Sentences with phrase «addition to these questions»

You very likely have questions about how to tell whether the right time has come in addition to questions about what to expect and what the procedure is.
In addition to the question about coconut flour, I wondered if the pecans should be raw or toasted?
In addition to the question of whether or not life insurance proceeds are taxable is the question of whether the premium for life insurance is tax deductible.
In addition to these questions concerning the status of religious models, this chapter asks about the diversity of functions which they serve.
In addition to these questions of recognition, there is also the question whether under international law recognition matters.
In addition to questions about when baby will sit up, crawl, and walk, many parents ask their doctor about the baby's eye color.
In addition to questions about how to breed dogs and what traits to select for, they also had to learn some lessons the hard way.
In addition to the questions asked by Kirk / Josh directly, everyone else on the Hangout is able to fire in their own on the topic being discussed.
In addition to the questions mentioned above by @Nathan C. you also want to know if they only take cash or if financing via loan would be ok.
Federal prosecutors in Brooklyn interviewed two more people under subpoena last week, in addition to questioning multiple DA staffers and campaign workers in the past month, according to sources.
In addition to questions like the ones above, the Smarter Balanced assessments will include «performance tasks.»
In addition to the questions provided here, rubrics and matrices are dispersed throughout the book to help you analyze your current practices.
In addition to the questions already listed, here are some other important ones to ask if you're considering enrolling in a DMP.
In addition to the question of whether Mr. de Blasio — who won a primary with middling turnout and a general with dismal turnout — has earned his stripes to set an agenda for the Democratic Party nationwide, back at home there is the familiar drumbeat that perhaps the mayor ought to pay attention to his own city, a theme that has spread beyond the territorial tabloids and into stories in the city's higher - minded broadsheets.
In addition to the questions asked by Josh directly, everyone watching live is able to fire in their own on the topic being discussed.
There are, of course, other features of the Church's life, in addition to the question of Hellenization, which deserve attention.
In addition to questioning its fairness and effectiveness, the NYCLU points out that, in the 2014 case Riley v. California, «the Supreme Court held that the Fourth Amendment requires law enforcement to obtain a warrant to search the content of a cellphone.»
In addition to these questions, there are several others you should ask.
In addition to the questions, there are some misconceptions that warrants response and we have included them also.
In addition to questioning the morality of the story, Dawkins also ventured the view that among «sophisticated theologians» nobody «actually believes the story really happened».
If we hold that God is not impassible, then in addition to that question we have another: Why does God permit what disturbs God?
In addition to the question of the rite of Mass, the dialogue addresses ecumenism, religious liberty and inter-religious dialogue.
For example, in addition to questioning the effectiveness of the current educational system, she also believes that litigation and paranoia abound in Western society.
In addition to the questions that any pregnant mom should ask a potential care provider, there is another set of questions that should be asked concerning potential birth sites.
In addition to the questions that you've prepared to ask your doctor, don't hesitate to ask other questions during your appointment.
In addition to questioning the need for marriage, the authors thoroughly describe various alternatives, such as marriages of companionship, parenting, safety, distance, and so on.
In addition to this question, we asked our sample whether victory for either candidate would «make you more likely or less likely to vote for Labour, or will it make no difference?»
In addition to questions about speed, scientists want to know why the MJO occurs on a cycle of 30 - 60 days.
In addition to questioning a 40 mile electric range, some analysts are questioning hybrid - electric vehicle's battery lifespan.
The filmmakers are an absolute delight, from the way JR refers to a radio as a «talkie - walkie» to Varda's constant quips and additions to the questions and assertions of film curator Laurence Kardish.
Includes drawing and describing the four transformations (Translation, Rotation, Reflection and Enlargement) in addition to questions that include a combination of transformations.
In addition to the question of the use and impact of more generic teaching styles, we were able to apply nonparametric analyses to two additional reading - specific teaching domains — word recognition and comprehension instruction.
In addition to questioning the ability to teach anything that was not directly tested, some teachers questioned their ability to use technology for purposes other than testing.
In addition to questions of validity and reliability, it is worth briefly considering the practicality and costs of the various evaluation measures.
In addition to these questions, you might create an anticipation guide that asks students to indicate their opinions on controversial issues raised in the film.
In addition to questions about whether there's evidence that TeacherMatch does what its creators say it does, he worries about how it would be scored and whether the system overemphasizes student test scores.
In addition to questions about following Board policy, actual benefits to parents, and arbitrary reasoning, there are issues with regard to a disproportionate impact on mostly Black, and to a lesser extent, Latino teachers.
In addition to the questions, the learning standards associated with each test item are indicated and scoring rubrics are included that show what is required to score at each performance level.
2 There were also issues raised about the use of two different accounting structures in two different plans for its company stock funds, and questions about how float was accounted for, in addition to questions about the use of actively managed funds.
In addition to these questions, ask your dog breeder anything else you may be interested in knowing about the breed or a particular puppy.
In addition to questions about the safety features, experts agree that the most common question a consumer will ask about a carrier will be: Is it airline approved?
In addition to questioning the function of architecture, the artist approached buildings as structures and in the form of an applied sociopolitical, architectural criticism, formulating the idea of space as variable in meaning and experience.
In addition to questions of admiration, empowerment, and representation, looking at friendship as a way of so - called care work is of great importance in their cooperation - both as subject matter as well as in direct negotiation.
In addition to the question of liability, the Court was also asked to decide whether Sheila and Kevin were required to pass their accounts and also whether Sheila and Kevin were to be removed as estate trustees (and whether Kevin was to be removed as sole trustee of Patrick's fund).
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