Sentences with phrase «additional anxiety»

His or her failure can come as a severe shock and can create additional anxiety.
Further, Chiaying and Kendall suggest that mothers using control tactics, such as guilt or emotional manipulation, to influence the child's behavior not only set the stage for additional anxiety, but influence the potential development of trust issues in later relationships.
«Other techniques might come later and include helping the patient problem solve difficulties, deal with rumination, or manage additional anxiety symptoms,» Richards says.
However, by obsessively counting calories you will only create additional anxiety and elevate the production of stress hormones in your body, resulting with greater fat storage instead of losing more weight.
In June, South Yorkshire Police apologised «wholeheartedly for the additional anxiety caused» to Sir Cliff by the force's «initial handling of the media interest» in its investigation into the singer.
South Yorkshire Police previously apologised» «wholeheartedly for the additional anxiety caused» by its «initial handling of the media interest» surrounding its investigation into Sir Cliff.
To the extent that you can separate the anxiety of a PAL from the additional anxiety of the idea of not having another chance at parenting, do.
Children with selective mutism often have an additional anxiety disorder, beyond selective mutism, such as generalized anxiety or social anxiety.
Participants reported PPE suits torn by catching on doorways or corners, PPE breaches in Ebola laboratories, such as torn outer gloves, as well as the additional anxiety and distress these incidents caused them.
Never restrain your cat or force the massage as that will completely defeat the purpose of the massage and just cause additional anxiety, stress and possible injury to your cat.
«She understands why you are annoyed, but creating emotionality around it can either reinforce her or create additional anxiety that could cause this to happen more.»
However, your separation doesn't have to cause additional anxiety.
An additional anxiety disorder diagnosis was given to 51 children in the AD group (25 % generalised anxiety disorder, 16 % social phobia, 17 % specific phobia and 15 % separation anxiety disorder).
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