Sentences with phrase «additional calorie expenditure»

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This will require an additional expenditure of 500 calories per day.
On the expenditure side, the additional calories were not expended and fat oxidation was reduced.
While having a sugar - sweetened drink increased the amount of energy used to metabolise the meal, the increased expenditure did not even out the consumption of additional calories from the drink.
No matter how hard you try to burn additional calories through crazy training, or express your type - A, workaholic tendencies to get more done across the board, you're ultimately constrained by your own personal daily maximum caloric expenditure.
No need to calculate the calories in your maintenance, then simply calculate your approximate additional energy expenditure through activity and take in more food to compensate - in a ratio of roughly 9:1 carbohydrates to protein.
Composition of diet counts — the low protein diet in the Bray study gave significantly different body composition and energy expenditure outcomes despite the same level of additional calories.
«Consuming an additional 400 calories of sugar per day over your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) will result in gaining 41.5 pounds of fat per year.»
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