Sentences with phrase «additional carbon dioxide»

The effect of additional carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is limited because CO2 absorbs only certain wavelengths of radiant energy.
Additional carbon dioxide in the air will enhance all forms of biological activity and life overall.
Moreover, it would itself involve the expenditure of large amounts of energy and thus the emission of additional carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
So, if we want reasonable odds of staying below 2 °C, there's only so much more additional carbon dioxide we can put in the atmosphere.
As the ocean mass moves north, it absorbs additional carbon dioxide from decomposing organic matter in the water and sediments, increasing acidity.
Abstract: The oceans are becoming more acidic due to the uptake of additional carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
However, additional carbon dioxide does have an influence at the edges of the 14.99 micron band.
Frederike Böhm Department of Philosophy, Kiel University I like to follow the concept «reduce — reuse — recycle» when it comes to consumption: borrowing, sharing or buying second - hand are often good alternatives to purchasing new things, the production of which causes additional carbon dioxide emissions and use resources.
Future levels of carbon dioxide may help beetles, as well, according to researchers from the University of Illinois, Urbana - Champaign, who found that Japanese beetles lived longer and laid more eggs after eating leaves that were grown in an environment with additional carbon dioxide.
Several experiments with the KOSMOS mesocosms showed that the smallest phytoplankton benefits, if additional carbon dioxide is dissolved in the seawater.
The experiment revealed for the first time that small phytoplankton species benefit when additional carbon dioxide (CO2) is dissolved in seawater and its pH declines.
In this scenario the difference — call it the Trump effect — comes to 11 billion tons of additional carbon dioxide emitted between 2016 and 2030.
Second, by «bidirectional causation» Karlsson seems to be referring to the idea that ``... after the last ice age initial warming cause [d] additional carbon dioxide to enter the atmosphere from the ocean, which led to even more warming.»
In other words, additional carbon dioxide allowed the trees to make more fuel, but this didn't make their trunks any wider.
After the rain fell into the soil on the crest of the Maya Mountain, the water would absorb additional carbon dioxide from decaying plant material.
Although somewhat of a simplification, since it's strongest infrared absorption bands are already saturated, the greenhouse effect of additional carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is approximately logarithmic.
Steven Davis of the University of California, Irvine and Robert Socolow of Princeton University in the US report in the journal Environmental Research Letters that existing power plants will emit 300 billion tonnes of additional carbon dioxide into the atmosphere during their lifetimes.
The Environmental Protection Acts ratified by the United Kingdom and Australia and the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change are some examples of attempts to combat deleterious environmental change associated with the release of additional carbon dioxide into the air.
When we might actually reach 1.5 °C isn't clear, Schmidt said, and depends both on how quickly greenhouse gases are emitted — which depends on how quickly countries act to limit their emissions — and just how much additional carbon dioxide can be emitted before the 1.5 °C goal is breached, which is still somewhat uncertain.
And the wood in a building effectively sequesters carbon, while trees regrowing in logged areas can absorb additional carbon dioxide (CO2).
Ocean acidification can mitigate some reactions — for example, because the additional carbon dioxide that is dissolved in the seawater supports the growth of phytoplankton as food for the copepods.
As the temperature rises, water vapor evaporates at a higher rate, raising the water vapor content of the atmosphere, further amplifying the the increased greenhouse effect of the additional carbon dioxide.
Other indicators such as ocean acidification, increasing deep ocean heat, melting ice and permafrost, shrinking snow pack, and sea level rise further make the case that the additional carbon dioxide is affecting the global climate system.
The authors state: «In this paper, we have used several basic atmospheric — physics models to show that additional carbon dioxide will warm the surface of Earth.
In the «transient climate response,» we still aren't talking about positive feedback from the carbon cycle, but we aren't exactly talking about a single pulse of additional carbon dioxide, either.
Seen in another way, this is 500 million tonnes of additional carbon dioxide that Russia's energy and industrial sectors can emit every year before exceeding its target — equivalent to 15 % of their combined emissions.
Abstract: In this paper, we have used several basic atmospheric — physics models to show that additional carbon dioxide will warm the surface of Earth.
The additional carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has been identified through its isotopic signature as being fossil fuel in origin.
The temperature effects of cloud cover during the 20th century could be as much as 7 times greater than the alleged temperature effect of 200 years worth of additional carbon dioxide and several times greater than that of all additional greenhouse gases combined.
But it's baffling that alarmist climate scientists are so certain that additional carbon dioxide will produce a climate disaster, even though there is little empirical evidence to support this view, and much evidence against it, including a decade of non-warming.
But this additional carbon dioxide isn't absorbing energy which is somehow left over and hasn't been absorbed before — its absorbing the same energy more times.
This argument is sometimes used in parts of the media to suggest that additional carbon dioxide is beneficial for the Earth as extra food for plants.
Coal use will rise an estimated 13.5 percent in Germany this year, resulting in at least 14 million metric tons of additional carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, even as the nation continues to
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