Sentences with phrase «additional energy»

Ideally, the catalyst should also operate at room temperature under aerobic conditions without the need for additional energy input.
The team discovered that adding small molecules made from amino acids in the outer coordination sphere increased the speed without requiring additional energy to drive the catalyst.
When part of a balanced diet that provides for the animal - based nutrients essential to cats, carbs can provide additional energy requirements for our kitty friends.
The solar and battery systems are being deployed along with additional energy efficiency upgrades in the second phase.
The engines utilize a compact overhead - valve design and integrate weight - saving components such as aluminum blocks and cylinder heads to reduce mass for additional energy savings.
The surge of energy is actually the body using the meal for immediate fuel and then turning to stored fat to burn as additional energy.
So, by increasing photosynthesis on earth by one - third, as much additional energy will be absorbed by plants as is released by all human activity.
It runs on an electric charge and generates additional energy through a gas - powered generator when the battery runs out — giving you the confidence to go as far as you want.
This requires additional energy expenditure and ROM, which can throw off your strength and / or form.
So waste vibration could then be used to make additional energy, in effect.
This greater expansion ratio is made more efficient by allowing additional energy to be produced.
Credits can also be used to purchase additional energy, which is required to play games.
Keeping a tight seal on the building allows the interior temperature to remain constant and will reduce the need for additional energy usage.
Compared to single - fuel programs, combined natural gas and electric energy efficiency programs often deliver additional energy and dollar savings at lower cost to utilities and consumers.
State law incorporates a number of additional energy policy goals aimed largely at supporting these greenhouse gas reduction targets.
You should keep an eye on additional energy - saving features and connected apps that will run your AC unit in the background, even when you're not at home.
This reaction, they propose, is caused by our mouths reporting that additional energy in the form of carbs is coming.
This crucial piece of safety engineering effectively adds 80 mm (3.2 in) of additional energy - absorbing «crash stroke» to the front of the vehicle.
Increased oxygen provides additional energy and strength for mama as well as baby.
In others words, you can feed your body with additional energy to eliminate nasty side effects of the keto flu.
If the body requires additional energy, the fat stored in the body is burned to give energy which accelerates fat loss.
Additional energy savings were achieved through operational settings to certain components, yielding total savings of more than 75 percent.
I have been going before work every other day these past couple of weeks, and I am surprised at how much additional energy I have throughout the day.
Another scientist claimed the sun energy upon the corn plant as additional energy to make ethanol.
Having muscles helps to burn fat during the day, because body needs energy to maintain muscles and you don't need additional energy to maintain stored fat.
To obtain realistic simulations, it was found necessary to include additional energy sources and sinks: in particular, energy exchanges with the surface and moist atmospheric processes with the attendant latent heat release and radiative heat inputs.
These are used to set a rotational speed of the fan during commissioning, but they add additional energy losses and require regular costly maintenance.
ACELA, which includes a number of key building and industrial energy efficiency provisions, was passed by the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee in June, 2009 and amended in May, 2010 to include additional energy efficiency provisions.
«The catalytic reactions in total generate sufficient heat to sustain the process without the requirement of additional energy input,» says Lee Edwards, Virent's CEO.
Higher than average sea - surface temperatures «are fueling Hurricane Irma, giving additional energy and moisture,» according to an emailed statement from Julian Heming, a hurricane expert at the U.K.'s Met Office.
The profound costs to wildlife of future - planning to expand wind energy to the levels demanded by «green» advocates — just to meet the world population's additional energy demands with 350,000 more turbines each year — has been increasingly documented by scientists.
Generation of hydrogen from inexpensive organosilane substrates under ambient conditions without additional energy input represents an exciting advance towards the goal of using hydrogen as a green energy source.
The company has up to 50 megawatts of additional energy storage deployments also in the works.
A longer view reveals an even more startling economic impact: factoring in the dry years from 2007 - 2009, the total additional energy cost to the state's electricity users during the six years of recent drought was $ 2.4 billion.
To reach the smallest space conceivable, they decided to reduce the gap between the metal and graphene as much as possible to see if the confinement of light remained efficient, i.e. without additional energy losses.
Another advantage: If you incinerate them at the end of their life cycle, they produce additional energy — without leaving residues.
Protein will also help keep you fuller for longer and it has a thermic effect, meaning that it takes additional energy / calories to digest, so it's also great for fat loss.
Many communities would be better off investing in electric vehicles that run on batteries instead of hydrogen fuel cells, in part because the hydrogen infrastructure provides few additional energy benefits for the community besides clean transportation.
Boutique Guesthouse Manor is located in De Aar, a rather fast developing Karoo town, showing a promising future in in terms of the expansion of additional energy resources including solar and wind farms.
Those clients who are taller or more active require additional energy which can be provided by additional serves of food.
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