Sentences with phrase «additional facts»

A personal meeting will enable me to provide you with additional facts regarding my relevant qualities and capabilities.
Several additional facts of the case supported this alternate explanation.
Now that the game is live, each player is able to supply additional facts in exchange for extra points as part of the gameplay.
Once the scene of the accident is cleared, the police may want to conduct additional fact gathering.
A few additional facts to keep in mind: Many male cats like to engage in adolescent play behaviors well into their teens.
Follow as many necessary resources for studying additional facts.
The following should help you understand what rescue is all about, including our goals, procedures, and additional facts so that you can make an informed decision.
The short answer is: you won't find any successful lawsuits such as you describe, at least not without some significant additional facts.
What additional facts shaped this case for a trial without legal representation?
(You should look over additional facts about reverse mortgages before choosing one.)
GAO recommends that the Secretary of Education take measures to help charter schools recognize practices that may affect enrollment of students with disabilities by updating existing guidance and conducting additional fact finding and research to identify factors affecting enrollment levels of these students in charter schools.
Download our free eBook Designing eLearning Courses For Adult Learners: The Complete Guide to learn about the characteristics of adult learners, what motivates them, the most appropriate Instructional Design models and theories for adult learners, as well as additional facts and stats you need to know about this particular audience.
Bettors should know a few additional facts involving this game, starting with the fact that underdogs have been historically undervalued in both conference and rivalry games.
The U.S. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism offers additional facts on college drinking.
Subsequent clues offer additional facts that should be a little easier to track down.
I'm certain from the early reanalysis that the data won't stand up to even minimal additional fact checking.
Therefore, the contents of the student's informative paper should not include materials, which are not expressly defined by the logic of scientific research, even if additional facts characterize educational student achievement.
Our devotee will also pass by the curious additional facts that a period of similar warming occurred between 1918 and 1940, well prior to the greatest phase of world industrialisation, and that cooling occurred between 1940 and 1965, at precisely the time that human emissions were increasing at their greatest rate.
The invoice ads that he «spoke with FM,» meaning Mei, about «obtaining further additional facts and baseline opinion to date.»
One HUGE additional fact of this card (via The Frequent Miler) is that it is supposed to include at least a half dozen transfer partners.
It may be true that «the more we know, the more we realize that we do not know» but this does not mean that «additional facts increase uncertainty»; they help to reduce it instead (especially if they conflict with previously held assumptions and paradigms).
If additional fact development would clarify things, I suggest that we uncover x, y, and z facts.
In most defamation cases, the defamatory character of the allegedly defamatory statement is not apparent from the statement alone, and it is necessary to introduce additional facts to establish that defamation occurred.
Check out their recap, which has more pictures of the interior of the facility and additional facts about Goodwill.
Comments: The Department of Education plans to conduct additional fact finding and research over the next several years to understand the factors affecting enrollment of students with disabilities in charter schools.
However, if the trial judge must find additional facts in order to impose a sentence outside of the presumptive range, the rule of Blakely applies.
Download our free eBook Designing eLearning Courses For Adult Learners: The Complete Guide to learn about the characteristics of adult learners, what motivates them, the most appropriate Instructional Design models and Theories for adult learners, as well as additional facts and stats you need to know about this particular audience.
I was just trying to add some balance with additional facts and agree that Dein is a for life true Gooner and sold his shares to Usmanov.
You could choose from two different narrations, depending on how much scientific detail you wanted, or use your remote to bring up additional facts on screen at any time.
Corporate Counsel provided these facts (Aug. 19, 2005) and added a curious additional fact.
Accompanying informational text offers additional facts.
Here are some additional facts, courtesy of J.P. Morgan.
Additional facts: David and I had been together for five years when we got married, lived together for two, and been friends for fourteen, so, I don't think it's just for couples who haven't been together for ages.
Cold Spring Harbor hired another law firm to provide PTO with additional facts, in hopes of garnering the patents.
Got any good spirulina recipes or additional facts about the superfood?
Director makes his or her decision within 60 days of the date when the record of a PIE proceeding is complete (including any meeting with the Director and any additional fact - finding that is necessary).
(d) In cases where there are material factual issues in dispute, the Director or his or her designee may conduct additional fact - finding.
Here are 5 additional facts about the made - in - the - USA 2013 Mitsubishi Outlander Sport.
Ask students to compare these resources with the stories told in the picture books and find additional facts and images of these women to compile into a presentation or poster.
Enhancing the central text, which is printed on a white background, additional facts and narratives appear in sidebars set against green backgrounds.
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