Sentences with phrase «additional fiber»

Rather than eating more healthy, most folks likely just take additional fiber in some form.
If you would like, you can add berries, and even peanut butter to your baby's oatmeal for additional fiber and flavor.
This helps them burn energy slowly and even adds additional fiber to help promote healthy digestion.
These will give you omega - 3 fatty acids as well as additional fiber, while contributing to the overall taste of the cookie as well.
And, to aid their digestive system, they benefit from a diet with additional fiber.
Third, it also consists of additional fiber sources such as flax seeds and chickpeas.
The crunch is supplied by sunflower seeds, which in addition to healthy fats and protein provide additional fiber.
Mature dog foods contain additional fiber over immature foods to help a dog pass stools easily without straining.
The first of the conditions in which additional fiber seems beneficial is diabetes.
I used dates for sweetness not only because I love their caramel - like flavor, but they contribute additional fiber.
If your vet has recommended additional fiber and some extra attention to your pup's teeth, this may be your best choice.
As with the green apple, it's best to keep the peel on the cucumber for additional fiber and nutrients.
It is also quite simple for you to add additional fiber to canned food.
Like the addition of the quinoa too makes it hearty and with additional fiber.
However, there is a limit to the amount of additional fibers that are recruited.
OPTIONAL: Not all cats require additional fiber (psyllium) in their diet.
Some cats get constipated without additional fiber and some with the fiber.
Tatertot, perhaps the previous lower fiber diet had promoted a gut microbiota sufficient to break down (by feeding on) that amount of fiber, but when additional fiber ferments in the gut and there are no organisms available to break it down, excess gas results.
Oats bring additional fiber to the mix and the milk and Greek yogurt are nutritional powerhouses supplying much - needed protein which your muscles need for growth and repair.
You can add additional fiber by adding a tablespoon of flaxseed or wheat germ to most muffin mixes, even the store - bought ones.
Eventually, though, the brain stops recruiting additional fibers (even though some fibers are not activated), at which point the active fibers are too fatigued to lift the weight another time.
In addition to all of this, you may consider using additional fiber in your shakes at all times other than pre - and post-workout.
The burn reps at the top of the rep cause a cramping effect, leading to additional fiber stimulus.
You'll be getting potassium and fiber from the avocados as well as additional fiber, phytonutrients, and minerals like iron from the spinach.
4 Diet is formulated with high biologic value, restricted quantity protein, with additional fiber (crude fiber 3.9 g / 400 kcal) and zinc specifically for support of dogs with hepatic disease.
If you choose wholegrain versions you will get the added benefits of additional fiber as well as vitamins and minerals that are essential for good health.
Each bird diet includes KAYTEE exact pieces specifically formulated for each species, and the small animal diets include Timothy hay pellets to provide additional fiber for these pets.
(ref) In pets, we know that additional fiber seems to lessen blood glucose spikes that occur after your pet eats.
Not all cats require additional fiber (psyllium) in their diet.
Bear in mind that some cats seem to get constipated without additional fiber, whereas other cats seem to get constipated if they get too much fiber.
Hemp is also a very good source of fiber, just make sure to stay hydrated when adding additional fiber to your diet if your body is unaccustomed to it.
However, when hair ball problems do occur, more than once every week or two, additional fiber in the cat's diet can help.
Add in the greens, and you'll add in additional fiber, protein, and calcium.
Banana joins the party so you'll have additional fiber as well as a good dose of potassium.
The Vitamin C in pineapple supports a healthy immune system, and additional fiber that will keep your digestion going strong.
Don't peel them, eat the peels too to get some additional fiber, which will keep you satiated longer.
The additional fiber, plus protein and good fats in walnuts, will help keep you full longer.
Since solid food is harder for you in large amounts, I would recommend a good quality whey protein added with some additional fiber to keep your protein levels high.
The Vitamin C in pineapple supports a healthy immune system, and additional fiber that will keep your digestion going strong.
Complex carbohydrates have additional fiber, bulk, vitamins and minerals, which are useful when a person is working out to increase physical strength.
The fiber adds bulk, a slight sweetness, and additional fiber (so leaving it out will affect the macro count of the sandwiches).
Use caution with this though, as adding all of this additional fiber to his diet, may cause loose bowel movements.
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