Sentences with phrase «additional hurdle»

Another is that the review process will be amended to introduce additional hurdles for state - owned enterprises.
Yet another reason is that complex investing has to overcome several additional hurdles in order to achieve this excess return, sometimes called «friction».
Now that consumer protection laws have stepped in to curb credit card abuse by young adults, applicants under the age of 21 have to jump through additional hurdles to obtain a credit card.
In addition to the trials early career scientists must overcome, female researchers experience additional hurdles in the workplace, such as limited opportunities for equal pay and promotions, and insufficient maternity leave.
Long distance relationships pose additional hurdles for couples to overcome, yet this type of relationship is becoming more and more common.
But pot sellers face additional hurdles — first and foremost that marijuana remains illegal nationally, with only eight states approving recreational use.
We must do more to improve reading proficiency among all kids while focusing attention on children in lower - income families who face additional hurdles of attending schools that have high concentrations of kids living in poverty.»
Before the full Senate votes on Azar there will be one additional hurdle after Wednesday — another hearing, which has not yet been scheduled, before the Senate Finance Committee.
But he learned that a straight - up adventure game like The Cave presents additional hurdles at the user - testing stage.
Green card holders are eligible for best - class rates, and are subject to very few additional hurdles during the application process to get life insurance.
Further, since 2011, it has introduced additional hurdles applying to sizable investments in Canada by foreign state - owned enterprises.
Over time, that additional hurdle becomes even more challenging as compounded returns pile up on top of each other.
As part of the Care4U ™ range of food protection solutions, DuPont Nutrition & Health offers a range of clean label antimicrobials and antioxidants to provide additional hurdles to pathogen outgrowth, enhance spoilage control and allow for longer - lasting products in most refrigerated foods.
Packaging public financing as a constitutional amendment could make those proposals more palatable to resistant legislators, in part because an amendement would face several additional hurdles to becoming law and could not take effect for at least five years.
Clinical studies face additional hurdles because the plant is listed on Schedule I, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration's (DEA's) list of the most dangerous drugs.
The federal government could make it more difficult for housing mad Canadians by erecting additional hurdles — shortening mortgage amortization periods, raising the five - percent minimum down payment required for buyers who need CMHC insurance, or upping the qualifying rate for a standard five - year fixed mortgage.
As a result of these standards, first - time home buyers with high student loan debt (possibly on top of other obligations, like credit cards and auto loans) can encounter additional hurdles to mortgage approval.
But the Golden State requires a 100 - year project lifespan for land - based projects, compared to ACR's 40 - year timeframe, so additional hurdles remain, observed Sarah Mack, President and CEO of Tierra Resources.
As can be seen from the foregoing, whether by chance or by design, insurance litigation in Alberta not only places the onus on Plaintiffs to prove their case, but also imposes numerous additional hurdles, caps and limits to compensation and treatment.
Counsel for the executors cited various authorities to support his submission that there is a heavy onus on Miles and additional hurdles for him to overcome before the judge could set aside the order.
I don't see a common benefit in creating additional hurdles to kids with socioeconomic disadvantage to begin with.
But although there may be a few additional hurdles to clear, the self - employed can certainly qualify for a mortgage, and the best way to do this is to be ultra-prepared.
The early childhood directors highlighted that preschool classrooms face additional hurdles in ensuring regular attendance:
Nevertheless, I agree with AG Bot that, in order for the accused person to fully exercise his right of defence, without facing additional hurdles, linguistic assistance should cover the translation of documents into the language of the proceedings.
Drugmakers also face an additional hurdle when it comes to licensing their products, since more than 12,000 medicines will require a separate U.K. license in order for them to be prescribed.
Apart from the hit to the P&L and the giant monkey wrench thrown into operations, there was one additional hurdle to contend with — and this one would be a heck of a challenge for the company's food scientists: Under no circumstances, for any of Hershey's classic products, could the taste change.
Now The New York Times reports that he once employed an undocumented maid, creating an additional hurdle.
Each additional hurdle makes it less likely that people will get all the way through the process and be able to meet crucial deadlines.
So why ask for yet another mandate that also required an additional hurdle to be overcome, in the form of a referendum, before it could be implemented?
However, even if the party does manage to revive its flagging fortunes, it will have to overcome the additional hurdle of the boundary changes.
In key public services - such as health, education, fire, transport, border security and energy - there will be an additional hurdle that a strike must be endorsed by 40 % of those entitled to vote.
Prosecutors considering the de Blasio case faced an additional hurdle after the U.S. Supreme Court decided last year to vacate parts of former Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell's federal corruption conviction.
«On the contrary, [it] carries the risk of penalizing a youth that doesn't need any additional hurdles to enter the international scene.»
For non-Italians there are the additional hurdles that concorsi for any job, at any level, are held exclusively in Italian, and that foreign degrees are not automatically recognised (which is also a problem for Italians who have studied abroad).
Zinc finger enthusiasts believe it's worth attempting to overcome the additional hurdles of developing DNA - targeting drugs, because of the chance that the end result may be safer and more effective.
And if thirty workers are killed, there is an additional hurdle.
School can be a daunting experience for many students without also adding the additional hurdle of learning in a language not your own.
It remains to be seen what these methods will be, but it is a possibility that the uncertainty caused by Brexit and the additional hurdles — like more stringent visa entry regimes - needed to be overcome could lead families to look elsewhere for private schooling, seeking countries that appear to be the easier and more reliable choice.
Alabama's career ladder for teachers, which has already withstood a filibuster this year to gain passage in the legislature, now faces an additional hurdle on its road to implementation.
An additional hurdle is determining how quality indicators are typically defined for EC programs.
as a beginner author, i have found it difficult to attract attention to my first novel when i originally self - published it... i was under the impression that it being the first book of a series made it an additional hurdle... possibly, readers were not keen of buying into a series coming from an author they had never heard of...
When dealing with a complicated service like book publishing and marketing, the last thing you need is an additional hurdle like a language barrier.
Self published authors face an additional hurdle of often being dismissed, although that is thankfully beginning to change.
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