Sentences with phrase «additional ingredients known»

It also contains additional ingredients known to have a positive effect on your body's general health and ability to generate muscle tissue.

Not exact matches

The only way to know for sure is to is to feed a limited - ingredient diet and gradually test additional ingredients to find out what's causing the trouble.
Just know that each brand (Duncan Hines, Pillsbury, etc.) requires slightly different measurements of additional ingredients (oil, eggs).
When you add other ingredients, how do you know how much of each additional items to add?
My first thought (without knowing exactly what you did) would be that the chocolate you used had some additional ingredients that didn't want to blend with the coconut oil?
The causes of such unpredictable results, Harris said, can include bad ingredients in the lab, including contaminated and misidentified cell lines; poor research design, including insufficient numbers of mice in animal studies; statistical error and overreach, including «HARKing» (hypothesizing after the results are known), a push beyond the limits of the data; and funding pressures, which can lead scientists to hype or exaggerate their results to remain competitive for additional grant money.
One additional ingredient that I'd love to see in Kypris Beauty Elixir II: Healing Bouquet is ferulic acid, another potent plant antioxidant known for its ability to enhance the effects of both vitamins C and E — as dramatic as doubling the natural UV protection of both vitamins.
Additional ingredients that support healthy circulation include ginger, ginkgo, and vitamin E, and classic herbs traditionally known for their aphrodisiac or rejuvenating properties include ashwagandha, avena sativa (oats), Panax ginseng, tribulus, and yohimbe.
They include additional healthy ingredients that have known health benefits for women with PCOS.
See point 1 — since the models do in fact reproduce Earth's climate pretty well with the «ingredients» now on offer, the well - known principle of Occam's Razor says that we shouldn't be needlessly bringing in additional factors.
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