Sentences with phrase «additional kinds»

As users progress, they'll also unlock additional kinds of scenes.
At least 6 out of the 26 works offered additional kinds of personal engagement for visitors wanting an art experience beyond viewing alone.
There is one additional kind of storytelling to be found in and around games: the stories the players themselves choose to tell.
While not abandoning the conventional SETI search, Gerry plans to perform additional kinds of searches in parallel for these message - bearing signals using the unique properties of the ATA which allows multiple simultaneous searches.
State insurance laws cover issues like the minimal quantities of bodily injury liability and property damage liability coverage that must definitely be carried, with some states mandating additional kinds of car insurance.
There are also special insurance riders and additional kinds of insurance that may be valuable to you as a customer searching for the Century City renters insurance policy that is right for you.
Physicists still puzzle over what makes up dark energy, along with another unexplained cosmic constituent, dark matter, an additional kind of mass that must exist to explain observations of how galaxies and galaxy clusters rotate.
Robbery is an additional kind of terrorist action that provides terrorists with financial resources.
There are some additional kinds of coverage in your policy, as well.
Moreover, there is an additional kind of distribution for funds, called capital - gains distributions, that are taken from the capital gains that the fund realizes when it sells assets that have increased in price.
Sometimes, you have to add each of these additional kinds of protection to your renters insurance individually, but sometimes they are included with the standard policy.
There are some additional kinds of coverage in your policy, as well.
This stereotyping can lead to an additional kind of discrimination against women.
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