Sentences with phrase «additional litter box»

If there is a conflict between your cats and one of them seems stressed, provide additional litter boxes in locations where the anxious cat spends the majority of her time.
Have additional litter boxes in each new area that it has access to.
You may also need obtain additional litter boxes for your cat so they don't have to travel far to find them.
Or can you provide additional litter box options for your senior cat?
Place additional litter boxes where they're easy to find and easy to get into.
If you have a cat who doesn't cover and you want to try to change the behavior, you can experiment with adding additional litter boxes — some cats prefer a separate box for their urine and stool deposits — as well as different types of litter.
If your cat is having a hard time making it to the litter box, then you may need to get additional litter boxes and place them closer to your cat, in some cases with lower sides that your cat can get into and out of.
They include providing steps or a small ramp to furniture, a heated bed or an orthopedic bed to warm and cushion those old bones, and providing additional litter boxes — especially if you have a two - story home — so he doesn't have as far to go to get to the bathroom.
Additional litter boxes should be provided — at least one more than the normal number.
Behavioral modification training is essential for dogs with anxiety; and environmental alterations such as separate territories for cats that do not get along well, or additional litter boxes and cat trees or safe resting areas can make a big difference for anxious cats.
If there are multiple cats in your family, there needs to be a litter box for every cat, plus an additional litter box.
If your cat is toileting away from the box, try placing an additional litter box at the new site (temporarily or permanently) to get your cat using a box again.
Sometimes, the solution can be as simple as adding an additional litter box, changing the location or type of litter box, or changing the type of litter you're using.
If you know your cat doesn't like the current brand of litter you've been using or if you're unsure what type of litter he would prefer you can set out an additional litter box with the new type of litter.
A common solution to this is to have one litter box for each cat, and an additional litter box (or more if your have a large number of cats).
Before you allow your cat out of the safe room, put an additional litter box, food, and water in the spots you'd eventually like to keep them, so your cat can find them there and start to recognize where they'll be.
• The ideal number of litter boxes in a home for multiple cats is one for each cat, plus an additional litter box.
Put some used litter in it to help them realize the purpose of this additional litter box.
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