Sentences with phrase «additional paid up insurance»

This dividend is normally used to buy additional paid up insurance which has its own cash value that earns interest.
After that period the policy is paid - up but the death benefit may still grow due to using the dividend for additional paid up insurance.
The whole life policy pays dividends every year, and by purchasing additional paid up insurance, the dividend payment compounds in value and the death benefit rises more and more.
Things like loans, withdrawals, or dividend payments used to buy additional paid up insurance can affect the actual death benefit of permanent forms of life insurance.
These reasons for a change in the face amount can include additional paid up insurance bought with dividends, a face reduction for the purpose of saving money on insurance costs, and having an increasing death benefit based on cash value.
Dividends can be used to increase cash value, reduce the current premium, or buy additional paid up insurance.
Additional Paid Up Insurance (API) Rider: allows you to add additional premium payments to your policy to purchase «paid - up» life insurance, increasing your death benefit and cash value.
The additional paid up insurance (API) rider can also be used to increase the policy's death benefit and cash value.
Dividends can be taken in cash, used to reduce the premium due, or used to purchase additional paid up insurance.
This is because the dividends may be used to purchase additional paid up insurance.
The additional paid up insurance (API) rider can also be used to increase the policy's death benefit and cash value.
Buy More Insurance — Can be used to buy additional paid up insurance.
Whole life insurance does give the policy owner the option of using dividend payments to purchase additional paid up insurance, so hypothetically a whole life policy can have an increasing death benefit over time if this dividend option is chosen.
Dividends can either be used to buy additional paid up insurance, so the death benefit rises over the life of the contract, be used to build cash value faster in the policy, or can be taken as cash by the owner.
Purchase additional paid up insurance, increasing the death benefit and the amount of future dividend payments.
Additional Paid Up Insurance (API) Rider: allows you to add additional premium payments to your policy to purchase «paid - up» life insurance, increasing your death benefit and cash value.
The dividends can be used to purchase additional paid up insurance, pay premiums (not necessary with an SPL), or be taken as a payment.
Some people grow their policies by using dividend payments to purchase additional paid up insurance.
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