Sentences with phrase «additional school funding»

The defeat of both the bond issue and a 6 - mill property - tax increase marks a dramatic turnaround in a city that has consistently backed requests for additional school funding.
What about the claim by legislators that their plan will provide «$ 8.4 billion» in additional school funding?
The Leadership Conference Education Fund also found support for expanding vocational classes, with 76 percent of African American and 73 percent of Latino families considering it an important use of additional school funds.
And yesterday, following the standard script, when he was asked about additional school funding Malloy responded with, «I think that it's a little early to tell.»
But Fallin added: «Significant revenue - raising measures were approved to make this pay raise and additional school funding possible.
The leaders of the Association of Teachers and Lecturers, National Union of Teachers and National Association of Head Teachers have written to the prime minister today to demand additional school funding.
They consider ensuring the opportunity to take challenging classes (including Advanced Placement and science, technology, engineering, and math courses) a top priority for additional school funding.
Now that we understand that the legislature made a pinky promise to come up with $ 6.6 billion per year in additional school funding in 2009 (more than $ 7 billion in today's dollars) and thus far, has not provided any additional funding, in the next section, we will take a closer look at the shocking differences between the claims being made about the Levy Swipe Scam and what it will actually do.
As some education advocates praise the additional school funding announced as part of the New York State budget agreement, schools must now work through their own budgets, while, for the first time, considering the state's 2 percent property tax cap.
Copyright 1988 Detroit voters sent a clear signal of their dissatisfaction with the city's school system last Tuesday by ousting three school - board incumbents and rejecting two requests for additional school funding.
«Our proposals should not only protect those children already receiving free school meals and additional school funding but will see thousands more benefitting from this support in future.»
A new consultation will review eligibility for children currently receiving additional support from the government during their education, such as free school meals and additional school funding, in light of the national rollout of Universal Credit.
The Leadership Conference Education Fund reports that African American families consider ensuring that students have access to computers and other technology in school the second - highest priority for additional school funding (after ensuring that there are enough books and instructional materials), with 94 percent saying it is one of the most important or very important uses.
With time winding down in the legislative session, Gov. Mark Dayton and Republican leaders were searching Friday for a compromise on a tax bill that averts a complex 2019 tax filing season and Dayton's push for additional school funding.
If you are a WASB member, you should have received an email today from «WASB Action Alert» asking you to take action and contact your lawmakers to ask them to support the additional school funding proposed by Gov. Walker.
The Oklahoman reports that for nearly two weeks, thousands of Oklahoma teachers have come to the state Capitol in Oklahoma City to advocate for additional school funding, which has been cut on a per - student basis over the past 10 years.
When you start to look at the actual details of the legislature's plan, you quickly discover that there is no additional school funding at all in the Levy Swipe Scam.
In a nut shell, the NEWS Coalition (aka McCleary Plaintiffs) repeatedly complained that the State legislature failed to make «steady progress» to come up with the promised $ 6 billion per year (or $ 6,000 per student) in additional school funding.
In a July 31, 2017 Report to the Supreme Court, legislators claimed they have «more than doubled» school funding since 2011 and that their new plan will provide «$ 8.4 billion» in additional school funding.
Assuming the additional school funding continues we'll have a much better idea of its impact.
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