Sentences with phrase «additional warming ranging»

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I had the same thought when I first looked at the rep range but after see the link it made perfect sense, in fact I was quite surprised because I already do a similar program mainly with pure compound sets and I usually do 2 high warm up sets on each exercise and then 4 working sets betwen 5 and 8 reps so see the additional exercises some of which I will adapt slightly because of joint issues I was pleasantly ssurprise and very happy that this workout will give me some additional variety and hopefully growth to my training.
In the next 50 years, even the lower limit of impending climate change — an additional global mean warming of 1 degree Celsius above the last decade — is far beyond the range of climate variability experienced during the past thousand years and poses global problems in planning for and adapting to it.
They incorporate a wide range of additional feedbacks, some of which enhance and some of which reduce future emissions and resulting warming.
Regarding variability, the ISPM fails to mention that the IPCC found that the larger «natural climatic variability» is almost all in the direction of cooler temperatures, relative to «previous estimations», for the past millenium: «The additional variability shown in some new studies [since the Third Assesment Report] implies mainly cooler temperatures (predominantly in the 12th to 14th, 17th and 19th centuries), and only one new reconstruction suggests slightly warmer conditions (in the 11th century, but well within the uncertainty range indicated in the TAR).»
Based on the estimates of TCR warming from additional CO2 is very likely in the range of 0.28 to 1.0 C with the best estimate near 0.6 C.
This additional warming would produce a series of notes beyond the range of human hearing.
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