Sentences with phrase «address learning gaps»

School boards wanting to address learning gaps between student demographic groups don't have to start from scratch.
To address the learning gaps that are often present in students entering CCSP, the school has established strong intervention programs and the training and support to deliver those programs with fidelity.
As a second grade teacher I am now better able to address learning gaps and assess why students may be struggling with certain mathematical concepts.
With this thorough and detailed analysis, the educator has time to plan the way ahead and address the learning gaps before they become misconceptions for life.
At this time, advisers will also review key benchmark assessments in language arts and math and will plan any interventions that may be necessary to address learning gaps or credit deficiencies.

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(1) To address the coding skills gap and help prepare more people for jobs in software development, Apple created a powerful yet easy - to - learn coding language called Swift (TM), the free Swift Playgrounds (TM) app and a free curriculum, App Development with Swift, which are available to anyone and are already being used by millions of students at K - 12 schools, summer camps and leading community colleges across the country.
Indeed, one of the gaps in this learned work is the failure to address the question of the use made of Irenaeus by writers in later centuries.
If your child received any low scores, you will have more time to address any possible gaps in learning that may have developed.
Fortunately, teachers can find ways to address gaps in learning.
State legislators addressed members at the convention center just before the educators fanned out to lobby their local elected officials to call for an increase in school funding, more Teacher Centers, an end to the charter equity gap and further expansion of the Community Learning Schools initiative.
Also, if you are not quite sure whether it is bench science or academia that you want to leave, it may be a good idea to quiz industry researchers about the similarities in skills and experience with academia so that you can learn what gaps or misconceptions you need to address.
At the film's recent press day, Costner talked about the appeal of playing Coach White, Niki Caro's directing style, the bond that developed between all the actors during filming, the pivotal role a coach can play in a young person's life, the Jim White - type coaches who influenced Costner's life in a positive way, what he learned about Latino culture growing up in Visalia, why he waits for projects to come along that he can really respond to irrespective of genre, the biggest cultural gap he experienced on this film, and how sports movies allow us to address other issues within the wider society.
Formal learning initiatives through an LMS and learning programs are often seen in a similar light, address the skill - gap requirements at hand, without necessarily changing the learning culture within an organization.
«We are working with partners to deliver key projects and interventions that address skills gaps at all levels, from primary schools to universities, and the education select committee was extremely interested to learn about our findings.»
At E4L, we are trying to address that gap through the Learning Impact Fund.
Teachers were asked to think specifically about why they wanted a blended learning environment and what gaps it could address in the classroom.
Which network will you explore more in - depth to learn how they address your deeper learning outcome gap?
Formative assessment is especially important so that you can help students identify and address gaps in learning throughout the unit.
By conducting skill gap analysis and understanding the needs of the learners, specific learning needs can be identified and addressed.
One of LPS's lead math teachers, Mike Fauteux, wanted to improve student engagement and address his students» individual learning gaps, so he began experimenting with new instructional practices that used Google Sheets and OER to provide students with self - guided learning experiences.
«I look forward to moving ahead, working collaboratively with Beacon Hill and the field, to address troubling, persistent student achievement gaps by developing an education reform agenda that gives primary attention to improving learning for all students.»
The ability to set work individually for each child was incredibly valuable for addressing gaps in their knowledge and learning, and best of all it was something the children enjoyed!
The institute includes a blend of theory and practice - based techniques for addressing student learning by strengthening instruction and better engaging communities, closing the achievement gap and establishing a positive, safe and goal - oriented school culture.
Coaching messages, driving employees to focus on certain areas or carry out certain learning, addressing knowledge gaps
Neal says that tools which include dashboards that enable teachers to spot those all - important learning gaps on a class and individual level as assessments are undertaken in real time, have made the formative assessment process much easier to manage, record, and analyze results so that a bespoke learning program can be deployed to address problem areas.
«Of course there are other contributing factors outside of school to consider when it comes to addressing the gender gap, but giving our children the best possible environment in which to learn — and the encouragement, support and motivation they need — gives them a solid foundation and the confidence to aim high.»
One type addresses skill gaps with scaffolds, and another stretches students who have already mastered the learning outcomes (resources).
This Spotlight considers the digital divide in how teachers learn to use technology, how teachers are trained to address race and equity in the classroom, and the links between school climate and achievement gaps.
-- Learning Policy Institute Districts are increasingly tasked with providing options for at - risk and underserved student populations to address persistent achievement gaps.
When combining digital curriculum that provides formative assessment data with everyday instructional practices, educators are equipped to address math learning gaps in real - time.
Embed critical thinking within the underlying culture of the school and make sure learning spaces encourage critical thinking; determine how well overall school environment encourages critical thinking and take steps to address gaps
The ultimate goal of the Center, said Shonkoff, «is to address the growing gap between the haves and the have - nots, both in the United States and globally, by learning more about the underlying biological mechanisms that lead to these disparities.
Why then are so many learning professionals still addressing performance gaps with lectures, online presentations, or other theoretical content?
Your comment about growth, but still needing to identify and address gaps is a critical component in learning.
Students who score at level 2 can take Bridge to College courses in their senior year to address gaps in learning.
Focusing on how students learn in the social studies will also address a major gap in the research literature in our field focused on technology integration.
Content learning analytics help you discover the content gaps you should address in order to get tangible learning improvements.
Kaleem Caire, former CEO of the Urban League of Greater Madison and founder of One City Early Learning Centers, unsuccessfully proposed a charter school in 2011 in an effort to address a stubborn gap in academic achievement between black students and their white peers.
Learn how you can get involved in helping DCSRN fill a support gap for families that is not otherwise being address in the District.
Customized tracking and evaluation allows educators to drill down to see what makes students succeed and connect test results and instructional standards to address gaps in learning.
«Schools of Hope has had a tremendous impact — you remove that tutoring element and the gap gets worse — but we may have overstated the significance it could have on these children,» said Caire, now founder and CEO of One City Early Learning Centers, a new effort to address the racial achievement gap.
The center opened in 2013 to address the achievement gap, and today it educates about 350 3 - to 5 - year olds who are from low - income families or who have learning disabilities; it also provides extra supports, like dental and vision care.
In these assignments, DreamBox's intelligent adaptive engine addresses gaps in prior knowledge by using strategic, research - based learning pathways to engage and support each student right where they are.
We have a huge opportunity and moral imperative to better serve our most vulnerable students by addressing achievement gaps that fall along lines of race, income and learning abilities.
The findings also acknowledged that schools in poorer communities face unique academic challenges that result in an achievement gap and need to be addressed; a desire to learn more about serving special needs students and funding those services; and the necessity for policies to recruit and retain highly effective teachers.
Her doctoral thesis specifically addressed the gap between what students are learning in school and what they need to know in order to be prepared for college and career in the 21st century.
Education Northwest researchers and evaluators will share their findings at seven sessions addressing achievement gaps among Pacific region students, leadership to promote equitable outcomes, out - of - school time learning, and implementation of new programs.
To address the achievement gap, principals need to be aware of the importance of language experiences in early learning classrooms.
Some have argued, and rightly so, that the persistent opportunity gap between low - income students and their wealthier peers should be addressed by extending learning opportunities to all students in high - poverty schools to ensure that they have access to a well - rounded education.
The program directly addresses summer learning loss and the achievement gap between low - income students and their middle / upper - income peers.
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