Sentences with phrase «address obstacles to learning»

As a member of the DAIC team, she provides caring psychotherapy and performs psychoeducational assessments to help children and parents as well as adults identify and address obstacles to learning and growth.

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Then, while addressing attendees of a TEDx talk, she described a change of mindset:»... I learned that our borders and our obstacles can only do two things: one, stop us in our tracks, or two, force us to get creative.»
Here are the five most common obstacles to starting professional learning communities — and how to address them.
As an increasing number of schools and school districts adopt online learning as a way to boost graduation rates, address multiple student populations, expand their course catalogs, and personalize learning, understanding the challenges and obstacles that educators face as they introduce new programs is key.
Remote districts can face challenges to delivery and receipt of a world - class education, but new research from the Foundation for Blended and Online Learning (FBOL) and the Evergreen Education Group highlights how digital learning programs are addressing these obLearning (FBOL) and the Evergreen Education Group highlights how digital learning programs are addressing these oblearning programs are addressing these obstacles.
As teachers, we know that the obstacles our students face at home do not stay there; they follow students into the classroom and, if not acknowledged and addressed, can harm their capacity to learn and negatively impact the climate and culture of our schools.
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