Sentences with phrase «address only the symptoms»

That in itself provides grounds for hope because if we understand the root causes of the problem we can get to the heart of the matter rather than dissipating our energies in addressing only the symptoms.
Because he is addressing only symptoms when he should have been attempting to rectify the underlying causes of the near mishap.
As geo - engineering proponents acknowledge, schemes like sulfur aerosol address only the symptoms, not the source, of global climate change.

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Other facilities offer behavior modification techniques, which only address the symptoms.
Our unique relationship based therapy program helps troubled boys at the root of their challenges, rather than the behavior modification techniques found in many facilities that only address the symptoms.
Other programs employ behavior modification techniques, which only addresses the symptoms.
To enable proper recovery, you must address the core issue instead of the symptoms on the surface, and this can be done only by remodeling, stabilizing and strengthening of the given tendon.
You might have pretty severe low estrogen symptoms that simply don't disappear by addressing only your estrogen levels.
Naturopathic doctors address the underlying cause of illness rather than only treating the symptoms.
The treatments prescribed usually provide only temporary relief that mask the symptoms instead of addressing the root cause of the problems.
Moreover, she also utilizes other modalities that not only address common symptoms experienced in pregnancy, but also prepare the body for labour.
The common thread among our health professionals is their clear desire to address not only the symptoms but to practice true root - cause resolution medicine.
Blood glucose levels are simply a symptom of the disease, and addressing glucose levels only can not cure or prevent the disease.
Yet, it is often addressed with stents and bypass surgeries that only treat the symptoms, not the cause.
The trouble with OTC (over the counter) and prescriptions medications for seasonal allergies is they treat only the symptoms and do not address the cause and most have unwanted side effects.
Your physician may also recommend taking supplements like Vitamin B complex or Vitamin E. Increasingly, women in Rochester are finding that Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) not only addresses the symptoms of menopause, but also avoids some of the negative side effects of synthetic hormones generally prescribed by traditional physicians.
Specifically, the product is only effective in relieving symptoms that can be addressed by black cohosh (its active ingredient) such as mood swings, irritability, hot flashes and related insomnia.
addresses a combination of symptoms, unlike many other lines that address only one skin problem
We typically employ a variety of lab testing (which may include blood work, saliva testing, breath or stool testing) and come up with a naturopathic treatment strategy to not only alleviate symptoms but address and remove the cause for the disease.
She expressed a desire to help patients become well by addressing and evaluating the underlying causes of their conditions or illnesses rather than treating symptoms only, or by prescribing treatments that further contribute to other problems in the body.
Bio identical hormone replacement is a much better option; however, it only addresses the symptom by increasing healthy hormones from the outside - in.
These approaches don't address the underlying cause of the problem, they only suppress symptoms.
Many people with acid reflux don't need less stomach acid; they need more, so these drugs only address the immediate symptoms.
But the zonulin inhibitor would only be masking the symptoms by blocking zonulin release, it would not address the root causes or zonulin release, such as infections.
Most hypertension drugs only target the symptoms of this disease and are not designed to address the actual source of hypertension or provide an effective, long - term solution.
Putting debt on a 0 % credit card or rolling high interest debt into a home equity line of credit may help save you money in the short term, but it is only addressing the symptom.
And no matter which way you slice it, this needs to change or else you'll only be addressing a symptom and not the core problem.
There are many different ways to relieve the discomfort of your dog who has dry skin and there are also methods to treat it which will address the problem, rather than only the symptoms.
Dogs that eat corn based kibble and receive many treatments, which only address symptoms, rather than underlying causes, will have dysbiosis.
If you choose to treat the symptoms only, you'll probably fail; one must address the root to be successful.
It is essential to treat underlying causes, as treatments that only address the symptoms can help only in a timed recovery or resolution of issue.
First, only one symptom of climate change is addressed.
Only you can say if you are feeling better or worse, if the medicine you are taking is causing side effects, or if new symptoms are arising that need to be addressed.
Some injuries could take days, weeks or even months to present symptoms, and seeing a doctor will not only help your case, it can help to treat injuries that could otherwise become disabling if not addressed quickly.
The Overall Goal of Counseling is, of course, to relieve pain and suffering but it is also to acquire the understanding which, not only effectively treats the immediate symptom but also addresses the underlying problem, leads to lasting changes and prevent its reoccurrence.
Counseling should not only address symptoms, but the whole person, mind, body and spirit.»
Therapy is a process during which I address not only your symptoms but also any additional life stressors and challenges.»
This may also, at a later date, imply the prevention of a shift to other problem behaviors or symptoms which might occur when only problem - specific risk factors are addressed.
Medication such as Ritalin and Adderal can provide immediate relief of ADHD symptoms in many cases, but they address the symptoms only, not the cause of the problem.
Another source of concern is how to take into account the 10 % — 20 % of children who are asymptomatic and will later deteriorate, a phenomenon called the «sleeper» effect.3 One way to address this could be, as proposed by the authors, to offer services with a long term orientation, that is not only short term symptom driven approaches but also treatment for those who present themselves at later dates or who present durable problems.
Since we can only truly address that which we understand, the prevailing focus in our society has turned to managing symptoms instead of effecting a cure.
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