Sentences with phrase «address smaller audiences»

But when they use the @ symbol to address smaller audiences, they're more likely to use non-standard words such as «nah,» «cuz» and «smh.»
Tom Farrell, Dominion Resources» board chairman, president, and CEO, spoke the following day in Columbia, SC, addressing a small audience — many of them Dominion employees and board members — at Dominion Resources» 107th annual shareholders meeting.

Not exact matches

Connect with your audience - however small or large - by focusing on them as specific individuals and addressing your comments to them directly.
As one small example, the Clinton campaign might use the list to aim Facebook advertising via a Custom Audience and Lookalike targeting — assuming that the DNC will let them, since the presumed Democratic nominee won't actually take possession of the names and addresses themselves.
That ends today,» Quinn told the audience of council members and other city officials gathered in the auditorium of the CUNY Graduate Center in Midtown in a far - ranging speech that addressed issues both large and small.
Touching on Albany's recent corruption crises, emphasizing a need to rally against entrenched labor interests, and pushing for greater resources for immigrant students and small businesses, Cuomo adopted a genial tone on the whole, addressing audience members as «my friends.»
Meanwhile the definition of experimental film — which traditionally has meant abstract, nonnarrative, and small - format works produced in a garret — has been expanding to address wider audiences.
MASA will provide you and your district guidance in developing the framework of a plan that will help you address big and small issues with both your internal and external audiences.
High profile writing blogs like this one are all well and good, but you'll do much better targeting smaller blogs that address your core audience.
We here at TGP always start out our indie game reviews / previews the same way, we shine light on the fact that so many games are released every year flies right under the radar of most gamers simply because of either lack of publishing or the fact that a lot of these diamonds in the dirt are made up by a small team of developers that simply do not have the stage to address a huge audience or the money to their word across.
Audience Addressed: Anyone interested in founding or managing small, growing game companies Experience Level Addressed: As game developers: intermediate As business managers: beginning
And so, I'm curious, what's the buzz in the audience or in the vendor spaces about what is coming up around data security and how small firms are addressing it?
But even if a definition of GL is a moving target, there are some typical qualities of GL that are commonly noted: it is not produced commercially; perhaps not professionally edited; not consistently indexed, not systematically circulated, and then in small numbers; printed unprofessionally; addressed to a small, specialized audience; not available through the traditional channels of publishers and bookstores... again, most of them negative qualities.
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