Sentences with phrase «addressed as a whole child»

The program is based on the belief that a child, regardless of the specificity of the referral or severity of the behavior, must be seen and addressed as a whole child.

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God addresses himself specifically to each of his children, as well as to the whole human race.
Sometimes we learn nothing by doing except the bare deed, as when children are taught to read by being required simply to read but never learn that written words refer to a whole world beyond them or when theological students are taught to «preach» by being required to make public addresses but never discover the difference between a sermon and an oration.
If your child has a pattern of disruptive behavior across multiple settings (such as dressing, bed time, meal time, and others), then their behavior pattern as a whole needs to be addressed before potty training can be specifically addressed.
You may return the forms by email (as email attachments) to [email protected], by fax to 650-595-5438, or by regular mail to our office address at: Whole Child Wellness 1601 El Camino Real, Suite 101 Belmont, CA 94002
Of course I can't summarize a whole perspective on parenting in one comment, nor am I addressing the whole issue of abuse which seems to be an important thread above, but I hope I clarified that my understanding of Adler involves always loving the child and acting in his / her best interest and not withholding affection or using it as some kind of an incentive or prize.
The Waldorf philosophy is almost 100 years old, founded in Germany to address the whole child by teaching across multiple intelligences, introduce holistic, tactile learning and emphasize humanistic values such as sympathy, curiosity, respect, resilience, compassion, and perseverance.
It only takes two tablespoonfuls of yellow sweet potatoes, half a cup of dark green leafy vegetables or two - thirds of a medium - sized mango in a day to meet the vitamin A requirement of a pre-school child.11 This way, not only is the vitamin A requirement being addressed, but a whole range of other micronutrients as well.
Nevertheless, I think true education teaches to the whole child, and this includes addressing social skills or what is popularly known as social intelligence.
Key recommendations include: extending the national child measurement programme to also measure fitness as a slim child does not necessarily mean a fit and healthy child, rebranding the «PE & Sport Premium» as the «Physical Activity & PE Premium» to address the core notion of inactivity, and recommending that head teachers take a «whole day» approach to physical activity by engraining it throughout the entire school day.
In May 2015, ASCD convened its third Whole Child Symposium, in which panelists discussed how to address poverty as a sector, as a school, and as a classroom.
A Whole Child approach to education addresses students» comprehensive needs through the shared responsibility of students, families, schools, and communities,» stated Rep. Howard, as Texas ASCD members listened from the historic gallery seating above the legislators» chamber.
One of the lessons we can draw from the success of the initiative is that having multiple indicators of student performance — such as graduation rates, suspension rates, and grade point averages — helps educators see the whole child and address each student's needs.
(F) providing incentives for whole - school approaches,... positive behavioral interventions and supports,... to reduce the need to label children as disabled in order to address the learning and behavioral needs of such children.
Ideas about developing the whole child with arts and music and addressing the major impact poverty has on a child's education lit up the twittersphere as advocates for education across the country live tweeted from the event.
HEAR will address these issues head on through our unique programs aimed at educating adults and specifically targeting children who bring the promise of a kinder, more respectful tomorrow for the animals and for our planet as a whole.
Subsequent speeches will address issues ranging from the very serious problem of a lack of engagement with Indigenous peoples in policy making and significant failures in the whole of government machinery currently in operation federally; to the Northern Territory intervention and child abuse issues; to a positive vision for our communities such as by closing the gap in life expectancy, and creating an equal life chance for Indigenous children.
The fact that the programme did not have a long term impact on the children's emotional and behavioural functioning points to the need for additional resources in addressing these problems as part of a more sustained whole - school approach.
This working paper from the National Scientific Council on the Developing Child and the National Forum on Early Childhood Policy and Programs examines why addressing the consequences of serious depression in parents and caregivers could support the future prosperity and well - being of both children and society as a whole.
We will use two comparison groups for this analysis: (1) children recorded in the KiDS database as eligible for the Brighter Futures Program who did not participate; and (2) a propensity - matched comparison group from the whole study population, matched on individual - level characteristics similar to those outlined in the methods to address objectives 1 and 2.
As a part of a larger commitment to facilitate a whole - child, whole - family and whole - community health model of well - being, the CAHMI has partnered with AcademyHealth and many others to specify a child health services research and policy agenda to advance knowledge and action in addressing childhood trauma, toxic stress and promote positive health.
As NIOST's director, Gannett ensures that research bridges the fields of child care, education, and youth development in order to promote programming that addresses the whole child.
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