Sentences with phrase «addresses life philosophies»

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For our own age, overly captivated by abstraction, the task of philosophical reflection is often to reverse the process and recover living experience» living experience of God, who transcends our human conceptions and confronts us as a philosophy - defying Other even as He addresses us and makes Himself available to us.
In African Religions and Philosophy, John S. Mbiti addresses the question of what remains after one's physical life by drawing upon a traditional African distinction between (1) the living.
Self - help philosophies address other aspects of life.
Addressing the big picture of family life — including sleep, feeding, child development, sibling issues, marriage and refining individual parenting philosophy and style — Sleepy Planet helps parents create a balanced, fulfilling family experience.
[12:50]-- A treatment with an integrative doctor that cost well over $ 200, 000... [17:25]-- How removing a 20 cm cyst on Jennifers liver led to huge improvements in her health and resolved the Mast Cell Activation Syndrome [21:53]-- The next health event that led to a complete and utter breakdown on all levels [25:45]-- How Jen started to unravel the complicated health picture that had developed as a result of many years of sickness and drug therapy [27:18]-- The importance of addressing physical stressors while working on the emotional / spiritual plane [33:45]-- The stress chronic illness can put on a relationship [38:15]-- The philosophy that Jennifer's father passed on to her that has become the underpinning of her life and practice.
See a partial list of classesCanine Ethology History of Dog Training Canine Cognition Learning Theory Overview Building Trust and Positive Relationships with Dogs The «Positively» Philosophy Self - Care & Burnout Prevention Canine Emotion and Behavior Canine Communication Canine Body Language Behavior Observation & Discussion Positive Training Tools & Methods Demonstrations & Hands - on Practice of Tools Human Communication Living with Dogs Preventing and Addressing Canine Fear and Stress Mock Group Classes Interpersonal Skills — Working with the Client Dog Trainer as Agent of Human Change Dog Bite Prevention Aggression Working Dogs Positive Training with Other Species Teaching Group Classes Teaching Private lessons Veterinarian Relationships Behavioral Medicine Medical Handling Lab When to Refer / Ethics Dog Law Business Marketing for Dog Trainers And more... taught during the in - person intensives.
Combining performance, video, photography, and installation, her work addresses issues of the displaced self and the other, while investigating the dualistic and existential nature of philosophy, such as the relationship of yin and yang to life and death, mobility to immobility, and location to dislocation.
From political ads to Live crimes to former employees expressing concern over its effects, Zuckerberg's not kidding when he says the topics he means to address would have to encompass «history, civics, political philosophy, media, government, and of course technology.»
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