Sentences with phrase «adequate amount of sleep»

It is important that you ensure you get adequate amounts of sleep during this trimester.
This is far from the truth and many children these days do not get adequate amounts of sleep.
Exercise, proper nutrition, and banking adequate amounts of sleep are the pillars that support emotional resilience.
Night - Shift Worker Memory Tips by Anonymous The health consequences of not getting adequate amounts of sleep have been well.
You're likely struggling to get consistent and adequate amounts of sleep.
Bottom line is this... all humans need an adequate amount of sleep each night to make them able to effectively learn, communicate, and be a productive person each day.
Early bedtimes, and by extension, adequate amounts of sleep, can have a profound impact on the emotional state of adolescents.
We want to help build their immune systems, and they need an adequate amount of sleep to do that.
What can we do to help our teens get an adequate amount of sleep?
Yet while we know that adequate amounts of sleep are biologically necessary for our bodies and minds to function properly, according to the National Sleep Foundation as many as 59 % of middle school students and 87 % of high school students are not getting the recommended 8 - 10 hours of sleep each night as set forth by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM).
Oftentimes, the best thing you can do for short term memory loss after a baby is to establish a firm routine for you and your baby that includes an adequate amount of sleep and exercise.
A healthy lifestyle in general — limiting stress, eating right, getting exercise, and clocking an adequate amount of sleep — can keep your body, and emotions, on an even keel.
Some tips which will help you get an adequate amount of sleep includes developing sleeping routines like waking up at the same time every day, not doing strenuous physical activity 2 hours before going to bed and refraining from drinking stimulants within 5 - 6 hours of bedtime.
An adequate amount of sleep is essential for good health and general well - being.
If your main focus is bench pressing more weight and keep increasing the weight week after week, your first priority should be to be in a well - rested and anabolic state, which means an adequate amount of sleep (7 - 8 hours per night) and a caloric and protein intake surplus.
For the average Joe / Josie, getting the adequate amount of sleep is hard enough — but what about sleeping too much?
9 — Get adequate amounts of sleep!
Get an adequate amount of sleep — promotes many metabolic functions that support recovery.
Adequate amounts of sleep can decrease the risk for cardiovascular disease, obesity, infections, and depression.
Get an adequate amount of sleep because the actual time is the night when your body, nails, hair, height actually grows, Yes your underpants underneath product also do.
So it's important that they set aside enough time to get an adequate amount of sleep,» says Dr. Lawrence J. Epstein, Medical Director of Sleep Health Centers and an instructor at Harvard Medical School.
So make sure that you're eating properly and that you have an adequate amount of sleep.
Adequate amount of sleep is also essential to stay fit.
We have heard that exercising, eating right, getting adequate amounts of sleep, and slowing down to deal with events can help reduce negative stress.
Ensure you're getting adequate amounts of sleep and exercise and take care to fuel your body with healthy food & drink.
Obtain an adequate amount of sleep.
Work on getting enough exercise, eating healthy, and getting adequate amounts of sleep to help you deal with the stress most effectively.

Phrases with «adequate amount of sleep»

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