Sentences with phrase «adequate quantities»

If you want to build more muscle and lose fat, it is essential that you consume adequate quantities of protein.
It is generally present in adequate quantities in the raw ingredients.
To grow muscle, you have to consume adequate quantities of food every day.
For this reason, your body really needs to receive adequate quantities regularly.
It is also important that you include adequate quantities of protein, fats, carbohydrates, and fiber in your diet.
You have to supply the muscles with adequate quantities of protein so that the micro tears can be repaired.
In the middle of the last century, health care professionals stated that consuming adequate quantities of vitamin D is essential for keeping your bones and teeth healthy.
As long as you consume adequate quantities of each mineral, your body should be able to balance them according to your needs.
Current culture methods are not capable of producing adequate quantities of hESCs at an acceptable quality and price for cell transplantation.
When consumed regularly and in adequate quantities as part of a food, the tiny live probiotic organisms in these foods deliver health benefits to the host.1 So just by eating these foods, you can help your health!
For instance, if you have colonic inflammation or polyps, and you are trying to use turmeric to reduce inflammation there or regress precancerous growths, then using the whole plant is best versus a highly bioavailable form of curcumin in capsule form (e.g. Meriva), for instance, which will likely be absorbed by the small intestine and mostly pass through the liver never getting adequate quantities to the large intestine.
-- Plant foods supplying calcium in adequate quantities so that questionable dairy products or calcium supplements will be unnecessary include most seeds; greens like spinach, kale, mustard, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and celery; carrots; green peas; green snap beans; oatmeal; cream of wheat; cashews; almonds; dried fruits; lentils; lima beans; soybeans and soybean products like tofu.
When Barnes & Noble introduced the Nook GlowLight earlier this year, it had problems keeping up with demand (it later admitted it simply had trouble producing the GlowLight in adequate quantities at launch).
Improved access to drinking water of more adequate quantity and better quality, and improved sanitation reduce the main factors of morbidity and mortality of young children
Purchased adequate quantities of necessary restaurant items, including food, beverages, equipment and supplies.
It can take weeks to produce adequate quantities of stem cells, and the storage of stem cells is difficult because you do not know when the patient will need them — and timing is everything.
The best option for muscle building is probably a combination of a post workout drink and solid food containing adequate quantities of the right macro nutrients.
Mammals and birds shall be provided with uncontaminated, edible, nutritious food, which is of adequate quantity as to maintain the normal weight and condition of a healthy Animal.
When taken in adequate quantities in supplement form, which increase its bioavailability, it exhibits powerful anti-diabetic, anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties.
So, if you're one of those people who still have a lot of fat to lose, you will first need to master the fundamentals of nutrition, step by step, becoming aware of when you're hungry and when you're full, eating food mindfully, consuming adequate quantities of quality sources of lean protein, complex carbs, healthy fats, fiber, drinking low - calorie beverages and many other things.
Consuming adequate quantities of protein will help you to build muscle.
Adequate quantity of green capsicum (green bell pepper) is added to this chilli paneer.
It includes all nine essential amino acids in adequate quantities.
Having adequate quantities of milk will help you to meet your baby's need for the mineral.
Mr. Annor Dompreh urged the authorities to expedite action in releasing «adequate quantities of relief items meant for our people».
Addressing the audience in the aftermath of the discovery of high levels of lead in the water system of Flint, Michigan, Edwards framed his presentation in terms of water infrastructure inequality in the United States, including lack of access to both adequate quantities of water and to water of safe quality.
It's practically impossible to build muscle without the adequate quantity of calories.
It is possible to starve for minerals that are abundant in the foods eaten because they can not be utilized without an adequate quantity of the fat - soluble activators.»
She always wanted to find something that was simple to give our entire family (ages 6 to 6 months old) and that she knew had everything they needed, especially the most the important nutrients, such as omega 3 fatty acids and adequate quantities of bio-available (easily absorbed) forms of natural vitamin A and D, which she knew we could not get from any one food.
Healthy fats are added in adequate quantities, while the calorie - dense simple sugars and starchy carbs are kept to a minimum except on refeed days and after (or around) intense workouts.
One tablespoon of flax oil daily provides an adequate quantity of EFAs with the ideal Omega 3:6 ratio.
How many of these high fiber foods do you eat every daily in adequate quantities?
Eating a balanced diet containing all the nutrients (in adequate quantities) that our body needs for proper functioning is a lifelong commitment, and no one can survive on an orange juice diet for a lifetime.
In any event, if your vitamins C and D, plus all the other good stuff, don't arrive in adequate quantities to the tissues, then you are not protected from cancer so well, no matter what quantities of supplements you swallow.
They also need to be eaten in adequate quantities.
It is possible to starve for minerals that are abundant in the foods eaten because they can not be used without an adequate quantity of the fat - soluble activators.
Additionally, whey protein has the highest biological value (BV) of any protein on the market, which refers to a protein that has all of the essential amino acids in adequate quantities to sustain growth and development.
Adequate quantities of fatty acids must be consumed in order to maintain a firm, healthy and flexible skin.
However, you should let your dog have only just the adequate quantity per time, to ensure he only gets the benefits.
Essential vitamins and minerals need to be incorporated in adequate quantities to ensure that it is balanced and complete and provides your dog with the adequate nutrition for optimum health.
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