Sentences with phrase «adequately educate children»

That group has hired the nation's top two school finance research firms to look at every aspect of how the schools are funded and how much it costs to adequately educate children.
The authors» overall conclusion was that «TAAS masks the real problems of inequity that underlie the failure to adequately educate children.
Too many Oakland schools are not adequately educating our children, and numerous improvements can still be made on a shoestring budget.

Not exact matches

That ruling set off a series of rival «costing out» studies, which purported to determine how much money it takes to educate a child adequately.
Once their children enter a school, educated parents are also more likely to pay attention to the quality of their children's teachers and may attempt to ensure that their children are adequately served.
But when they expect the state to educate their children at public expense, the public has a right to know whether those children are learning anything (no, not whether Johnny and Mary are learning, but whether the children of Waco — or Scarsdale — are learning); whether taxpayers are getting a decent ROI from the schools they're paying for; and whether their community, their state, their society will be economically competitive and civically whole in the future as a result of an adequately educated populace.
The children in the lowest - achieving schools today are not being adequately educated or prepared for further education after high school — if they make it that far — or for decent jobs.
As a government advisor said to me recently: «Ofsted tells you which schools educate middle class children adequately
Children will never be adequately educated under a system run by bureaucrats handing out money and the teachers unions (the National Education Association and the American Federation of Teachers) spending the money in the classroom.
The National Education Association shared that teachers are also going on strike in southeast Washington in Pasco while the state legislature struggles to increase funding for education due to a state supreme court order that sanctions the state $ 100,000 every day that the lawmakers failed to «adequately pay to educate the state's 1 million school children
Failure to adequately do so will extend the assumption that provincial education regimes and policies are not only appropriate for the education of Indigenous children, but are the primary methods by which these children should be educated.
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