Sentences with phrase «adhere to your diet because»

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There are a ton of people these days who don't have Celiac's Disease or any sort of digestive health issues but choose to adhere to a Gluten - free diet because they believe it's better for you.
I have stopped prescribing full elimination diets in my private practice because it is just too difficult for the average, busy, working person to adhere to.
They have become popular because unlike many diets they work for most people who adhere to the rules of low carb / high fat eating.
I know many people are beginning to blindly follow this idea that everyone has an individual diet preference, while i personally adhere to the belief that individuality in diet is governed by individual pathology; though we all have genetic differences i don't think they are large enough to govern major differences in food consumption (i.e. kitavans don't eat potatoes because they have some proclivity towards them, rather it's because that's all that is available)
The ketogenic diet has been called «antisocial» because dining out becomes difficult, depending on how strictly one is adhering to the diet.
They have become popular because unlike many diets they work for most people who strictly adhere to the rules of low carb / high fat eating.
In fact, it is because you are trying to adhere to diets that don't agree with your personality type, that you can't get the results you're looking for.Your personality type influences your career, your personal and business relationships and your social life so is it really much of a stretch to think that your diet is also one of the core aspects that complement your personality?
Because these rodents have sensitive stomachs, they must also adhere to a strict diet of special grass hay and chinchilla pellets.
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