Sentences with phrase «adherents no»

^ There's a difference between criticizing the religion and it's adherents yet you're too retarded to notice it.
And in fact one Zealot at least passed into the other camp and entered the inner circle of the disciples of Jesus.16 We may be sure that here were others with a Zealot background among the wider body of adherents.
It provided an ideological framework within which the many religious communities of India as well as the plurality of linguistic caste and ethnic cultures (in the formation of which one or other religions had played a dominant role) could participate together with the adherents of secular ideologies like Liberalism and Socialism (which emerged in India in the framework of the impact of modern humanism of the West mediated through western power and English education).
Some adherents to these religions will claim theirs is a «religion of peace,» though as often as not (if not more often), cases can be pointed out in the contrary.
Unfortunately, fundamentalism doesn't need religion to spawn dogma — and rabid adherents.
One church, because of the gifts, talents — and personalities — of its members (or attendees, adherents, etc.), has the ability to reach people that another church does not.
By the thirties these voices became a major force in creating a new climate in which adherents of the earlier synthesis were increasingly on the defensive in intellectual circles.
By AD 353 the Christian community in Edessa was divided by the rift between the bishop and his adherents on the one hand and the school of Edessa and the majority of the Christians on the other.
• Consequent to the notion of disaster, and fueled by MacIntyre's polemicism, there is a streak of victimhood running through MacIntyre's work, and especially through the attitudes of his adherents — «we poor moderns» and such.
Berger's discussion suggests that overtly religious symbolic universes and more secular symbolic universes may perform much the same functions and thus may compete with one another for adherents.
In public education, then, the initial aim of instruction in the religious heritage is to help adherents of each tradition — Christians, Jews, Muslims, Ethical Culturists, Religious Naturalists, and all the others — to realize to the full the resources for the embodiment of religious faith available in their tradition at its best.
But as far as I know, the «great chain» idea has no adherents at present.
They call upon adherents to give up the attempt to live according to desires and appetites and pleasures — to save the soul by denying the body.
Modernity's emphasis on secularism involves three elements - a) the desacralisation of nature which produced a nature devoid of spirits preparing the way for its scientific analysis and technological control and use; b) desacralisation of society and state by liberating them from the control of established authority and laws of religion which often gave spiritual sanction to social inequality and stifled freedom of reason and conscience of persons; it was necessary to affirm freedom and equality as fundamental rights of all persons and to enable common action in politics and society by adherents of all religions and none in a religiously pluralistic society; and c) an abandonment of an eternally fixed sacred order of human society enabling ordering of secular social affairs on the basis of rational discussion.
We need a way of doing ministry that catches up what is most valuable in each of the two dominant parties of American Christianity and reconciles their adherents at a new level beyond the present competition between them.
The more juvenile the religion, the more likely some of the adherents will become radicals and try to force everyone to follow their rules.
What has emerged of late, however, is something that natural law adherents opposed to elective abortion have long suspected: The real reason behind the liberal enthusiasm for elective abortion is precisely that it is «elective.»
How do you figure Islam is spread across every corner of the globe with 1.5 Billion adherents.
In theological circles, one can sense an exciting rapprochement between «progressive evangelicals» and moderate adherents of the «mainline.»
At the same time, Jews, like adherents to other non-Christian religions, may with justice object to their children in school being forced either to sing or to pretend to sing of «Christ the Lord.»
The suspect also allegedly was trying to recruit adherents through the Internet.
Rational choice is a presupposition of another sociological model embraced by Stark: the «theory of religious economies,» which posits that churches and other religious groups operate in a market in which they must compete for adherents.
Adherents to confrontational religions are guilt - tripped into spreading their cancer as often and as far as they can.
... The worse it fares in argumentative contest, the more persuaded its adherents are that their feeling must have some deeper ground.»
Today, the 30 Days Prayer movement ( counts hundreds of thousands of faithful Christian prayer warriors who cry out to God on behalf of Islam's 1.7 billion adherents, asking God to reveal to them his truth.
This distinct liturgical tradition, precisely because it is distinct, is attracting new adherents.
Totalitarianism is, almost by definition, religious in its intensity and in the nature of the demands it makes upon the total being of its adherents.
That Catholicism could be regarded as pacifist is in many ways an odd notion, but the adherents of this position argued that the Second Vatican Council, in calling for the spirituality of the religious life to be expanded among the laity, implicitly extended the traditional non-involvement in war of the religious to all faithful Catholics.
All religions are therefore organizations that willfully participate in the rejection of Science and encourage their adherents to do the same.
It seems to me that this approach has been used by many adherents of religions of every stripe.
Islam is now or soon will be the second largest religion in the U.S., with approximately 7 million adherents.
while the most ardent adherents to nihilism might embrace the full ramifications of such belief, most folks aren't willing to follow it to its logical end: compassion is just a «feeling» but it's not real / people live & die / there is no such thing as good & evil / etc..
Not only were these churches leveling off from the heady gains of the postwar revival era (the main Presbyterian bodies from 1940 to 1960 had gained adherents at more than twice the rate of the preceding 20 years), but just as important, even more than before they were «losing» members and potential members because the regions in which they were strongest were «losing» population.
Now, I know the vast majority of adherents to religion are good decent, rational people.
Were it to be otherwise, he maintains, «in the name of toleration, the believer is asked to associate on a common level of total acceptance with the atheist, the pervert, the criminal and the adherents of other religions.»
The adherents of those religions are no less sincere or devout than you and they have exactly the same amount of evidence to support their beliefs.
The televangelists have used this power to join forces with the political right in order to bring about a nation more in conformity with what its adherents believe to be the will of God, or at least the demands of Christianity.
Kana, EVERYONE's holy book is perfect and infallible, at least to its adherents.
Americans in the two opposing strains of Protestantism, the evangelical and liberal, along with many adherents of Pentecostal and holiness cults, would agree that religious knowledge is special knowledge that can not be taught or learned by ordinary means (Philip J. Lee, Against the Protestant Gnostics, 113).
They study their sacred texts, memorize them and talk about them so much that adherents share a deep, rich common language.
Typically though, there are plenty of religious adherents / nut jobs who would disagree, to the extent of telling us we really should blame a particular religion in its entirety, including everyone practicing it, so long as its not their own version being blamed.
(2) These children would have likely grown up as adherents to the evil religions and practices of their parents.
A religion that makes no difference in the lives of its adherents is not a religion at all.
Previously, when American paramilitary groups became convinced of the inevitability of official persecution, their most militant adherents shifted from a defensive to an offensive mind - set, unleashing terrorist violence.
Since these «mixed» ventures may not always be the churches» most direct or effective way of fulfilling their central function of explaining the ultimate meaning of life to their adherents — and certainly not if muffled by the requirements of public fisc — perhaps churches should be less eager to enter into what can at best be but a very unequal partnership with the public, and less tenacious in clinging to «mixed» institutions rather than letting them spin off to nonsectarian auspices.
For instance, several seminal organizations began tabulating the number of religious adherents in the middle of the century, including the United States Census Bureau, something that widely attests to the importance of religious identities.
Proposals for transcending the nation - state with a world government have been around for centuries, and gained many adherents following the catastrophic breakup of the world system in World War I.
Here it suffices to say that adherents typically proved themselves tireless toilers in the Lord's vineyard and viewed the end of history with anticipation, not apprehension.
Consider the Reagan years, when many high - ranking officials, including the secretary of the interior, the secretary of defense, and the president himself all identified themselves as firm adherents.
These new devotees of evangelism are imperialistic, attacking those who deviate as secular humanists (read pagans) and demanding conformity of its adherents under pain of excommunication (read being targeted for defeat in the next election).
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