Sentences with phrase «administration posts»

We found that rice protein isolate administration post resistance exercise decreases fat - mass and increases lean body mass, muscle hypertrophy, power and strength comparable to whey protein isolate.»
In summary, we found that rice protein isolate administration post resistance exercise decreases fat - mass and increases lean body mass, skeletal muscle hypertrophy, power and strength comparable to whey protein isolate.»
Also read: Jeffrey Shell, NBCUniversal International President, Named for Administration Post
Today, President Barack Obama announced his intent to nominate the following individual to a key Administration post: Rabbi David Nathan Saperstein — Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom, Department of State.
Trump is having difficulty filling administration posts in part because he remains fixated on the 2016 campaign as he applies a loyalty test to some prospective officials.
The source, who requested anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly, said Trump was also willing to consider tough - on - trade Democrats — such as Rep. Dan Lipinski of Illinois — for other administration posts, adding that his team was looking to go «five deep» with people who agree with Trump's platform.
Last week, the US Energy Information Administration posted the early release of their Annual Energy Outlook which contains a short summary report and access to some of the data tables which will be included in the document itself when it's released in April.
Meanwhile, there are a number of former Pataki staffers who are helping Lazio, including former communications director Dave Catalfamo, who (eventually) replaced McKeon following his departure for the private sector; Ryan Moses, ex-special assistant to the governor and executive director of the state GOP; and Bob Bulman, whose last Pataki administration post was patronage czar.
The pick was one of half - a-dozen announced by Mr. de Blasio, whose pace of filling prime administration posts has lagged behind his recent predecessors.
Observers suggest a lower - profile administration post — perhaps the next head of the National Nuclear Security Administration — could fall victim to a Graham hold if he does not extract the concessions he is after.
So when the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration posted crash ratings on its website for a Mazda6 with all - wheel drive, the rumor - mill switchboard lit up.
The contents of the IPCC report have been an open secret since the Bush administration posted its draft copy on the internet in April.
The Trump administration posted plans and premium previews to the federal marketplace Wednesday.
The book originated in a class Thiel taught at Stanford, and Blake Masters, one of his students who became his co-author, was at his side during the transition, conducting interviews with candidates for various administration posts.
Resume objective for an Education administration post — I want to obtain a position as a program director within an adult education setting.
and Public Administration Post graduate Diploma in international affairs FEL (First education of law)
He was chief of staff to U.S. Sen. John Chaffee, R - R.I., from 1977 to 1981 and later served in several Reagan administration posts.
The U.S. Federal Housing Administration posted big losses from reverse mortgages in the past, but has made changes to its reverse mortgage program last year in trying to protect the agency from steep losses from reverse mortgages again.
President Obama announced his intent to appoint the following individuals to key administration posts:
Results of the study indicated that rice protein isolate administration post resistance exercise decreases fat - mass and increases lean body mass, skeletal muscle hypertrophy, power and strength comparable to whey protein isolate.
«We found that rice protein isolate administration post resistance exercise decreases fat - mass and increases lean body mass, skeletal muscle hypertrophy, power and strength comparable to whey protein isolate.»
Bolton could, however, face a confirmation hearing were Trump to tap him for another administration post.
On the White House website President Trump's administration posts a decidedly change in law enforcement priorities:
Mr. Stivers, the Ohio congressman, said that during the transition, he shared with senior Trump officials a list of House Democrats in swing districts, suggesting that Republicans could flip the seats if the lawmakers were appointed to administration posts or named to ambassadorships.
But after almost 30 years in government, beginning as a regional staffer for Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan and extending through his Assembly and administration posts, he felt it was time for a change.
President Barack Obama announced his intent to appoint TMT Board Chair Henry Yang to the Administration post: Member, President's Committee on the National Medal of Science.
On Friday, the administration posted a proposal to roll back the rule, which would let states already administering alternate tests use them for the last time this school year.
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