Sentences with phrase «administrative difficulties»

He says these kinds of administrative difficulties add to defence counsel's hesitation to take on legal aid certificates.
It should be noted that administrative difficulties which result from media attendance are insufficient to establish the media representatives should be excluded.
Further consideration needs to be given to the unintended effects of media access, for example the cost and administrative difficulties which it poses.
On top of administrative difficulties in training so many segmented groups, you'll also be facing language and cultural differences.
The extinguishment of native title hunting and fishing rights over such a vast area in a situation where subsistence activities are of major importance has itself been highly problematic, and has necessitated protection of hunting and fishing rights through various separate state and federal pieces of legislation - a situation which created administrative difficulty and uncertainty about the long term security of the rights.
TLDR; it's an interesting idea but would be very difficult to implement and could suffer from a number administrative difficulties
Holding a second citizenship widens the pool of jobs a foreign - born national is eligible to apply for and decreases administrative difficulties for jobseekers and those who process applications.
However, claim processing in India might result in time administrative difficulties when working with the insurance agency.
Along similar lines, John Maynard Keynes approvingly cited the idea of a carrying tax on money, [24](1936, The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money) but dismissed it due to administrative difficulties.
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