Sentences with phrase «admit nothing»

The conventional wisdom among many lawyers is that we should advise clients to avoid apologizing, admit nothing and make no comments.
Circle the wagons, admit nothing, issue the fatwas, and kill the apostates.
So does «Admit nothing Blame everyone Be bitter,» with its hands meeting across a map, like God's creation of Adam.
Smashwords is basically the worst thing to happen to publishing, because they gleefully admit nothing is censored or curated, which means you have TERRIBLE and Morally questionable content.
Glad - handers and bullshitters, as likely as not some automaton on temporary assignment from Germany, they'll admit nothing — and the lack of substance and emotion actually gets kind of boring.
If you admit nothing can be known then arguing is pointless, neither your point nor any one else's will ever be proven.
So they'd settled on a press conference in which Spitzer would apologize, admit nothing, and cling to his job.
«attack, attack, attack never defend; admit nothing; deny everything; launch counter attacks; hit from every angle; open multiple fronts on your enemy; he must be confused and feel besieged on every side» The Stone modus operandi, as quoted in Peter Elkind, Rough Justice.
I admit nothing!
In conclusion, when managers refuse to buy gold and silver mining stocks in their «diversified» portfolio because they consider them too «risky», even in an environment in which they admit nothing is working, we should dig a little deeper to learn the truth behind their refusal to ever deviate from their stubborn adherence to diversification strategies that don't work.
«Their method,» he says, «is right only insofar as it accomplishes their own objective; but it is of no avail to anyone who admits nothing but self - evident truths.»
And the player admits nothing is close to being agreed and said: «There's no update, we're in the same position we were in two weeks ago.
According to article, they admitted nothing.

Not exact matches

I will readily admit this to anyone, and if they act like I am out of my mind I will humbly state that I hope I am wrong and that nothing would make me happier, but I then gently inform them that they never have experienced anything like what I am describing and I have seen it twice now.
There's nothing more reassuring than a kind soul willing to admit that he or she hasn't figured it out either.
As Clooney led off the first episode of The Late Show, the actor freely admitted he had nothing to plug and instead spent some time talking with Colbert about his humanitarian work in the Darfur region of Sudan.
Nothing kills team morale more quickly than a member who can't admit a mistake, can't share credit, and can't see that perfection is often possible — as long as you're willing to work for it.
(He admits to knowing «nothing» about washing cars.)
The investment banker from Penticton, B.C., admits that when he arrived in Calgary in 2003 to work at Scotia Capital, he knew next to nothing about the oil and gas industry.
I am NOT «all in» on cryptos and abandoning the mining sector entirely... Further, I enjoy learning and I will admit it's pretty cool to learn something new that I previously knew absolutely nothing about.
Mining stocks are an extremely volatile asset class where the odds of any investor getting into a story, experiencing impressive gains, only to then take a round trip back to break - even... and finally into NEGATIVE territory are actually quite high (sadly)... In fact, that dreaded rollercoaster ride where you see all your once «hefty» profits in any single position later eviscerated into NOTHING is something that I've experienced more often than I'd like to admit...
On Thursday morning, Trump tweeted that Cohen «received a monthly retainer, not from the campaign and having nothing to do with the campaign... used to stop the false and extortionist accusations made by her about an affair despite already having signed a detailed letter admitting that there was no affair.»
«Christy Clark has now called our housing market a «bubble» and finally admits there's a real affordability crisis for people and families, but her actions have done nothing to make the rental or purchase of a home more affordable,» Horgan said.
Admit it, your faith is nothing more than you pretending to know something you do not.
Nothing like admitting you still believe in fairy tales to make your credibility and intelligence shine through.
Seems here he admits that there is a reason for every creation, all came for a reason a some thing and not for a nothing...
Given that you reject God, you have nothing left for a source... literally... and science has yet to show nothing doing anything... even admitting reverse evolution is possible... negating evolution.
People forget that some of technology's best and brightest, NASA, and the majority of their employees, live and work in the southern part of the country — Texas, Florida, etc But you have to admit, as long as we in the North (and East) are portrayed as disconnected, unAmerican elitists, those in the South will have to live with the image of being gun - toting, crude know - nothings.
Then you admit your illogical ranting about how there was an uproar when the Bible was published in other languages has nothing to do with my point about the absurdity of requiring people to read the Quran in Arabic in order to properly understand it.
Your argument, which is a common one among believers, is nothing more than a desperate attempt to avoid admitting something consistent with all the evidence because you just don't want to believe it.
You'll see your child's recovery as an answer to prayer, and then you'll come up with some excuse to explain why God didn't answer my prayer to avoid admitting the fact that your kid's recovery had nothing to do with God, just as the death of mine had nothing to do with God.
There is nothing you can lose except for your unwillingness to admit God's truth.
True, so why don't you do us all a favor: Keep your God, and admit that the Bible, the Torah and the Qur «an is nothing more than a collection of myths and fables.
Even if you can't digest the nothing / no time concept, you should at least admit that if there is / was something behind the curtain it isn't your Christian god.
[65] He sometimes retorted sharply, «I am sorry to have to inform you that I do not believe in the Bible as a divine revelation, & therefore not in Jesus Christ as the Son of God», [66] and at other times was more guarded, telling a young count studying with Haeckel that «Science has nothing to do with Christ; except in so far as the habit of scientific research makes a man cautious in admitting evidence.
I would like to see you at least admit the possibility that people take seriously the importance of working out their salvation and not merely assume that nothing more is absolutely required of them after they express faith in Jesus.
it should be everyday!!!!! but, there is nothing wrong if people still wants to do the fellowship on Sunday morning, sit, and listen to the sermon... and I admit, it is not enough...
TF... that's fine that you believe god is real, but then you also have to admit that he came from nothing.
My education is fine... Nothing is wrong with my writing sense you were able to simply reply... Look how far this country has fallen without God... We took God out of schools and now school shootings are a common thing... I mean your insults are flattering because all it tells me is that deep down you know I am right but don't want to admit it..
But who will go the distance and admit that in Century One we see nothing but the local church - which, generally speaking, encompassed the fellowship of all the saints in a particular city?
The prospect of no guilt, no sin, no disparities, and no one and nothing to violate is quite appealing, one must admit.
It is the imperfection of man that compels him to admit that some of the joy which he wishes others to possess may when it comes contribute nothing to him, since he may be absent, dead, or somehow cut off from participation in the joy.
Just read this colum, and even you in your blindness I suspect you would admit that many of your supposed bretern are in fact nothing more than liars.
Why don't you simply admit that you have absolutely NO evidence of any gods, you have no idea if your religion is true, and that all religions are nothing more than what MEN made up as if to speak for «god» when they have no idea if there are any gods to begin with.
@Chad and @Chuckles, You both make valid points about who knew what and when and I'll admit that I am not a WWII expert, but again saying that we, the world, did nothing but watch while 6 million Jews were killed, is misleading.
After suffering through the torture of catholic school I do admit there is nothing more terrifying than a bunch of chanting nuns.
But from the point of view of the tribes, whose religious tradition, as the justices admitted, would be «devastated» by the government's action, there was nothing neutral about the destruction of the forest.
While it might not be polite to admit in liberal cosmopolitan company, there is nothing illogical or unreasonable in believing that the tribe of Judah has a historical right and providential claim to the land of Israel.
I love how people fail to comprehend what would have happened if people like that had of admitted to disbelief back then... nothing quite like signing your own death warrant!
I have a lot of confidence in some things, but there is nothing that I would refuse to admit being mistaken in given enough evidence proving that I was wrong, which is what religious faith is all about.
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