Sentences with word «admonitions»

And yet: even here at the Raceway, even with the commemorative T - shirts and the beer goggles, the selfies and the trading cards and the admonitions to stay safe, there is the sense that something has changed.
Alfredsson chunked her chip, punctuating her disappointment with a vicious swing at the grass and a string of scathing admonitions and Swedish epithets — and bringing to mind the line John Wayne used on Susan Hayward in that terrible»50s flick The Conqueror: «You're beautiful in your wrath!»
What's more, she did this with a cacophony of voices echoing in her skull: admonitions about grip pressure from Hanson; swing thoughts from McGetrick; a putting tip from former coach Ed Oldfield; telephoned advice from her father, George, to concentrate on her tempo; and soothing words from her significant other, real estate developer Louis Capano.
Luckily, this time the other owners did not heed the admonitions of the old 60 - minute man, and thus were platoons platooned and money coined.
The pseudo finger - wagging was clearly all in fun, since none of those issuing playful admonitions could keep a straight face when suggesting that Rory may have bent, ever so slightly, golf's unwritten rules of etiquette.
Usually the instruction is limited to trackside admonitions like «loose jaw, loose hands,» but sometimes Winter turns on a full treatment that borders on hypnosis.
Interest and self - love will blind the eyes and stop the ears of men, and make them shift off from themselves those admonitions from the pulpit that are displeasing; and therefore we are commanded not only to teach and exhort, but also to rebuke with all authority.46
Instead, his admonitions by no means deal with all the questions that life presents, and many of the problems of human life are simply not considered.
They are all expository homilies and, in large part, paraphrases of the Biblical text, interlaced with interpretations of key doctrines and with moral admonitions that were designed to make the Bible live as the mirror of God's self - disclosure.
Then toward the end there are varied admonitions and counsel of a practical and usually highly moral character.
«28 In the church of Geneva, Calvin turned the same concern in the direction of discipline: «As the saving doctrine of Christ is the soul of the Church, so discipline forms the ligaments which connect the members together and keep each in its proper place... [For there would occur] a dissolution of the Church... unless the preaching of the doctrine were accompanied with private admonitions, reproofs and other means to enforce the doctrine and prevent it from being altogether ineffectual.»
There are repeated admonitions against public prayer in the bible, you recall.
Relishing this, Sullivan concludes that the only sin is when we «withdraw from God's love,» something that happens apparently only when «Rome» hands down cramped admonitions and the guilt that accompanies them.
The Scripture admonitions «Be still and know that I am God» and «In quietness will be your strength» suggest a way to pursue prayer in the closet.
The other «point» I'm seeing is to read Paul's behavior admonitions as serving his pastoral relationship - coaching role.
With great sensitivity the changes on the theme are rung, with admonitions against a false report; against false witness with malicious intent, entered into with a wicked accomplice; against the larger company's (the mob's) headstrong purpose to pervert justice; and against the tendency to temper justice on behalf of the poor (since Israelite torah itself exhibits this partiality, let the witness always be true).
He, more than anyone else in Christian history, dug back very deep into the Old Testament Sabbath day tradition with all of its restrictions, its admonitions to rest, and, taking them out of the Jewish tradition, he dropped them down on the Christian Sunday.
Here of course we must distinguish existence from actuality, in accord with Hartshorne's own admonitions.
The last segment of the teachings in the Sermon on the Mount is a collection of admonitions (Matt.
Or shunning someone after three admonitions.
It contains the «Woe to you» admonitions as well as the «Blessed are you» beatitudes.
What is at stake in these urgent admonitions to be aware of one's own death, and what do we miss by living in an ethos of denial?
I will never forget the pity (couched as compassion) and the shame (couched as encouragement to excel or admonitions to lean on God — not my own strength) that were heaped and heaped and dumped on me before I left.
Liberals could neither adhere to this line of argument, nor, having delivered innumerable admonitions about blaming the victim and treating the «root causes» of crime, could they easily repudiate it.
The man who prays has to go into his room and shut the door, both to be with his Father who is in secret and to exclude the insistent voices of fashionable witch - doctors, his own distractions, and not least the admonitions of anxious orthodoxy.
The problem with your point is that you have a misconception is that other admonitions are only for straight folks?
One of his greatest admonitions,
The first part deals with specifically religious themes — deals with them, in the main, in the reflective manner which constitutes theology and the second part consists mainly of ethical precepts and admonitions.
Many readers will judge that the document failed to heed its own sound admonitions to give due consideration to the empirical sciences.
But is not this simply because we refuse to heed the admonitions of science, which is daily proving to us, in every field, that seemingly impossible changes become easy and even inevitable directly there is a change in the order of the dimensions?
it is impossible for any adherent of xianity to be good people and still remain faithful to the admonitions, instructions and edicts in their bibles.
Nevertheless the tension between the two motives was maintained in principle as the following set of admonitions from Cotton Mather's sermon «A Christian at his Calling» indicates:
Then I began to wonder about stumbling blocks and I couldn't seem to shake off early church admonitions to consider one another, to give preference to one another's weaknesses.
But for many of the most widely known of the 19th - century preachers admonitions of the dangers of wealth became ever more perfunctory.
Similarly, Elliot views Paul's admonitions to women about praying and prophesying as «clearly exceptions to the rule of silence» (ibid., p. 14).
And all three have admoniitions for peace, and admonitions to kill the non believer.
Submissions without admonitions and admissions are submissions,,,,,,,,,,,, the circlular relativisms of rationalisms.
Rules and regulations are necessary, admonitions and rebukes, and all the fallible machinery by which a household is run.
All parents know that the time will come when the external supports which they have built up around their children will fall away and the particular admonitions which they have given will be forgotten.
I feel that more emphasis in Pastoralships should be preached on the New Testament's virtues and most righteous admonitions for positive» sakes so that our socialisms and culturisms do not flutter away and become likened into nothing worthy of proclamations be they from social mountaintops or cultural valleys we all do traverse.
Although few of the authors have read anything about him except that he talked to birds, they have raised poor Francis to the rank of first «ecological saint,» while conveniently ignoring his myriad admonitions about asceticism and communal ownership of property.
Can behavioral modification be blended with biblical ethical admonitions?
Still thinking of discipline in terms of child care, it becomes apparent, however, that the best prevention is education whenever it can be achieved that is, that the child who can learn to anticipate consequences for himself is in a much better position to avoid harmful misconduct than the child who relies wholly on external admonitions.
The Catholic church's admonitions to young women to preserve their virginity at all costs consisted chiefly, at least in the past, of dramatic warnings, what one might call «spiritual terrorism,» in that all Catholic girls should be willing to die to preserve their virginity, because Catholic educators told them so and because the alternative was unthinkable.
Many of Sigmund's admonitions to liberation theology are good ones, and heeding some of these may in fact strengthen liberation theology.
There had been no systematic political theology for two centuries, so Pius IX and his advisers cobbled together a number of pontifical statements and admonitions, grouped them under various headings, and fired away.
I won't respond again, and I am sorry that it appear that people have jumped on the bandwagon here, with erroneous assumptions and admonitions.
Whether we can offer these admonitions to people with whom we work today depends, I think, on whether they share in that new life and can relate to its possibilities.
Those who think of assertiveness training as an incomparably modern and recent innovation do well to examine some of Gregory's admonitions to the excessively humble.
If one interprets it this way then look to Jesus for illustrations of the meaning of these admonitions.
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