Sentences with phrase «adopted mill survivors»

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If you are adopting a puppy mill survivor, you will be interested in reading an article on this site that was written by Michelle Bender and Kim Townsend titled «Rehabilitation of a Puppy Mill Dog.»
Adopting a puppy mill survivor can be a challenging yet exceptionally rewarding experience.
While Strader agrees that dogs currently in shelters in Colorado are deserving of homes, she disagrees that rescuing so - called «puppy mill» survivors compromises their chances of being adopted.
In all cases, time, patience and love are key ingredients to developing the very special bond that you will experience when adopting a puppy mill survivor.
She has rescued, rehabilitated and adopted out over 11, ooo puppy mill survivors.
This emotional journey through the lives of 11 adopted dogs and Bill, a puppy mill survivor turned mountain goat (he loves to hike and rock climb), brings animal rescue to the forefront of people's thoughts and conversations.
As a person who has adopted and rehabilitated a puppy mill survivor with severe post-traumatic stress disorder, I can personally attest to the fact that sometimes the «less adoptable» dogs make the best pets.
I adopted my little puppy mill survivor just under five years ago.
Lexi is another adopted foster and puppy mill survivor.
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