Sentences with phrase «adopting willful blindness»

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He rejected Sulyma's argument that it should adopt a «willful blindness» standard for actual knowledge, saying the cases cited by Sulyma are unpersuasive and do not address ERISA.
Many too many of our brothers and sisters have chosen to remain silent, even to the extent of adopting poses of hysterical blindness, willful deafness and elective mutism: the well - known and widely used «see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil» ploy.
There are external indicia of course — one's offspring earnestly advising how fat and bald you are, strangers calling you «sir» straight to your face with nary a hint of sarcasm — but I purposely adopt a stance of willful blindness regarding those.
I am far from alone in always being on the lookout for better ways to do things, and for dreaming up some of my own, but I will never swallow the codswallop that we have to compromise our hard - won independence and position in society in order to access some hoped for, dubious innovations that, it is falsely or naively claimed, can not be achieved except through ABS, especially when the harms of adopting ABS are so obvious and so apparent from the lessons of history, economics, human nature, politics, physics * and philosophy that I sometimes wonder if there is some willful blindness at play.
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