Sentences with phrase «adoptive relationship»

To learn more about how long - term adoptive relationships are formed, watch our «Placement and Entrustment» video.
NEW YORK (Reuters)- In a landmark ruling for non-traditional families in New York, the state's highest court on Tuesday held a person need not have a biological or adoptive relationship with a child to be considered a parent.
To learn more about how long - term adoptive relationships are formed, watch our «Placement and Entrustment» video.
If we say God's love for us is like that of a parent and Christian community is like family, aren't we saying that adoptive relationships are as worthwhile as biological relationships?
First of all, guidance on the Directive's better transposition and application (Com (2009) 313 final) extends the notion of direct relatives in the descending and ascending lines to adoptive relationships or minors in custody of a permanent legal guardian.
In doing so, it clarified the scope of the term «family member» in EU law as it applies to adoptive relationships, in particular those with an inter-country element.
There are a number of different types of adoptions, and the nature of the adoptive relationship can affect the impact of a divorce proceeding and the parents» rights.
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