Sentences with phrase «adult figure drawing»

Figure Drawing from the Nude Model Wednesday, February 14, 28, 6:30 to 8:30 pm Join us on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month for this adult figure drawing class with a nude model.
Join us on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month for this adult figure drawing class with a nude model.

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Here are some interesting figures on the children's books market in China we'd like to draw your attention to: according to the 2017 Chinese Retail Book Market Report the Chinese retail book market is worth more than 80 billion CNY, with over 40,000 children's titles published every year in China — more than any other nation in the world, targeting 367 million children and young adults, with more than 800 million books printed every year and nearly 300,000 titles on the market currently.
There's no doubt that painting children from life is almost impossible - they don't sit still for a start and if we're used to drawing adult figures, we can get in a real twist with our proportions.
Saturday Studios jumpstART Young Adult Program Figure Drawing Summer Portfolio Intensive Middle School Portfolio Preparation
Dumas has made her name with politically charged works, with figures such as Osama bin Laden and Amy Winehouse appearing in her paintings, as well as drawing on themes such as the adult - entertainment industry, religion and sexuality.
Santa Barbara Adult Education: Plein Air and Figure Drawing classes.
Dumas has made her name with politically charged works, with figures such as Osama bin Laden and Amy Winehouse appearing in her paintings, as well as drawing on themes such as the adult entertainment industry, religion and sexuality.
A line of framed pencil, ink and crayon drawings are hit or miss: a simple round face with back - and - forth hair and a triangle nose, or a stick - legged figure on the back of a ripped orange flier, balance childish impulse perfectly with an adult eye.
Wendy Shalen has taught figure and landscape drawing and painting to adults and teens for more than thirty years.
Port Life: Figure in Context Life Drawing for Adults on Saturdays.
Adult support could be talking or drawing about what the child is scared of or worried about, helping him or her know what to expect (for example, at a Halloween party), or using puppets to act out a story in which a child is a little bit scared of something and then figures out how to deal with it.
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