Sentences with phrase «adults in the audience»

Perhaps a young child won't care that he or she is seeing a wholly derivative formula animated kid flick, but for most adults in the audience, this is the cinematic equivalent of hammering an ice pick into your cranium, with the throbbing pain not ceasing until the final credits release you from cutesy, oversaturated sensory stimulation.
Will the unfortunate adults in the audience for whom these allusions are no doubt intended even care?
But make no mistake, while there are some one - liners designed for the few adults in the audience, Lost In Space remains a movie mostly aimed at little children and except for some scary scenes involving spider - like monsters, it is a movie to which parents can take their kids with a clean conscience.
Pacing is slow in this comedy, as if actors are waiting — along with the weary kids and adults in the audience — for anyone to say something funny.
There are very funny greek - chorus style «aside» lines that obviously allow the adults in the audience to share in some camera winking.
The film has its own ideas, of course, but the references are crystal clear and it's just something else to relish, especially for the adults in the audience.
Considering that Smith claims that he made this film for teen girls, not for one moment does Yoga Hosers feel like anything other than a mid-40s writer / director shaking his fist at a younger phone - desperate generation, making inside jokes for the adults in the audience and lambasting the critics that have wronged him in the past.
They were a beautiful touch that reminded the adults in the audience what they loved about this character and growing up with these stories.
The philosophical frame of the first LEGO Movie and the rapid - fire in - jokes from LEGO Batman are missing, letting the adults in the audience down.
While echoes of L.A. Confidential and The Manchurian Candidate will undoubtedly bring a knowing smile to the face of many of the adults in the audience, kids will be blown away by all the mammal - crazy weirdness.
Although many of the scenes are aimed at children, there is some mild innuendo that will keep the adults in the audience tuned in.
Levy does an amazing job of letting the adults in the audience join in the same kind of wonder that the kids surely feel; the kind of wonder that is not too often found in this day and age.
A Wrinkle in Time is still magical and maintains the wonder of childhood, but needed more emotion for the adults in the audience.
It is a complete formula picture, full of cartoon characters, lots of moments for throwing in crowd pleasing songs to sing along to, fart gags, and in between, a few inside jokes, asides, and pop culture references to try to appeal to adults in the audience.
It's essentially «Miss Congeniality» in the dog show world, with cheesy visual effects, hackneyed gross - out gags for the kids and lame jokes for the adults in the audience.
Like most Disney Pixar films, Coco is gorgeously animated and more emotional for the adults in the audience than it is for the kids.
Regardless, these cameos and references, normally a simple gambit to throw a bone at the adults in the audience, becomes a manic orgy of creativity that barely stops to catch its breath in its wild 100 minutes.
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