Sentences with phrase «advanced cases»

Only in advanced cases of heart failure should a severely sodium - restricted diet be considered.
For more advanced cases of painful joints caused by arthritis, your veterinarian may recommend a prescription pain medication for your dog.
But, I would argue that our biggest win this session — and our biggest opportunity for the future — came in advancing the case for funding equity for public charters.
With advanced cases, secondary fracture of the underlying bone is possible as well.
Usually, all but the most advanced cases of heartworm disease can be successfully treated in dogs.
In more advanced cases surgery may be the preferred method of treatment.
In such advanced cases, dogs risk becoming victims of shock and collapse.
These products treat advanced cases of all the diseases talked about above.
Further diagnostic procedures are essential, in advanced cases particularly, to determine if the dog can tolerate heartworm treatment.
Counsel are part of the client's legal team, together with the solicitor, and working with them involves advancing the case on all fronts.
Really advanced cases might demand a complete break from your current routine.
There are no other conditions that can be confused with a typical advanced case of metabolic bone disease.
Obviously advanced cases have a different treatment strategy than cancer that is caught early.
Treatment with drugs will help with the pain and mobility, but as the condition advances some cases fail to respond to drug therapy.
MRI machines can be used to confirm advanced cases, but by the time the disease has reached this stage, brain tissue is gone and there is no way to restore it.
When properly presented, courts are very open to motions to advance cases for early trial dates.
In more advanced cases, there are several different treatment options..
We wanted to share this here so that other pet parents, who my be struggling with a similar issue, may see that there is hope, even in the most advanced cases.
Except in advances cases, complete recovery may be expected [21].
Patients with type 1 diabetes and advanced cases of type 2 have to inject themselves with insulin to make up for what the pancreas can't produce.
«John Humble,» speaking for «the low born,» at one point makes fun of «the perfection of this evangelical constitution» and its claimed place «in the salvation of America,» but that language does not advance the case for seeing America as a Christian country.
I don't know whether the full recovery from advanced cases of AD is always possible, but there is no doubt that a very healthy plant - based diet and lifestyle combined with specific natural remedies can reduce symptoms, slow down the progress of AD and often lead even to full recovery.
In the more advanced cases where many adult worms have built up in the heart without treatment, your dog can experience severe weight loss, fainting, coughing up blood, and heart failure.
It is not going to solve your problems if you are suffering of really serious venous diseases, such as advanced cases of varicose veins.
Meanwhile, a statement issued by lawyers of the embattled Businessman indicates that his outfit had already advanced the case at the African Court on Human and People's Rights concerning some declarations made by the Supreme Court of Ghana.
If it's too late to rid the body of the toxins and hemolytic anemia has set in, the dog has to be treated by a veterinarian because advanced cases require blood transfusions to safely replenish red blood cells.
Nielson, meanwhile, puts aside a little time each week for advancing his case against the man, but he believes his chances of seeing justice are slim.
Antibiotic treatment like tetracycline is usually prescribed by the dentist and in many advanced cases surgery is the only way out.
But a statement from Lawyers of Mr. Woyome, while welcoming the ICC's decision said they had already advanced the case at the African Court on Human and People's Rights concerning some declarations made by Ghana's Supreme Court.
However, some experts say that it may when used alone may not be very effective in advanced cases so a combination of proper herbs like spirulina, cat's claw and advanced therapies like intravenous vitamin C should also be included.
Pro, a paid tier that would include full access to all Casetext features, including CARA as well as sentence - level case annotations, heatmap analytics, advanced case summaries, and more.
But Madison advanced this case not in the service of a protection of the free exercise of religion but rather in opposition to the establishment of religion.
This man in Luke 5 had a very advanced case of leprosy.
The surgery went well despite having a highly advanced case of hallux rigidus.
Can treat not too advanced cases of varicose veins, spider veins and swelling.
The Democratic Party will offer its rebuttal at its own convention next week in North Carolina, with voters being left to judge whether either party advanced its case.
The team advances the case for «mindfully observing» employees and found that human resources professionals and supervisors can advance health, wellbeing, and performance while averting danger and violence by identifying and managing high - risk employees, anticipating their needs and providing support and resources.
«The inability to establish a lack of dopamine until advanced cases of Parkinson's disease has been a thorn in the side of researchers for many years.
We have an expectation to cure over 90 percent of early stage patients and even 70 - 80 percent of quite advanced cases
Students Matter, the umbrella organization advancing the case, hired a crackerjack PR team and paid them millions to spread what I call the «Vergara Fiction» across the nation.
Of course, these rescues can range from the normal rehabilitation process, such as deworming, dental care, farrier care and a proper diet, to more advanced cases needing surgery, treating eye injuries, corrective shoeing, and much more, plus the normal care.
In other advanced cases, the tubes leading from the sac to the rectum are scarred shut.
Oftentimes, there are no signs except in advanced cases when the testicles may be uneven in size.
Advanced cases spread to nearby lymph nodes, lungs and the brain.
In severely advanced cases of damage, the liver may shrink instead, making it difficult to palpitate at all.
PETS Hospital is excited to partner with Animal Dermatology Clinic to provide specialty services for advanced cases due to allergic skin and ear disease by a board - certified dermatologist.
The Dermatology Service has access to advanced imaging modalities such as computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to evaluate advanced cases of ear disease.
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