Sentences with phrase «advantages of high intensity training»

For a full discussion of the advantages of high intensity training over low intensity training, read the following article, which explains it detail:

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As you know, I'm a huge advocate of high - intensity interval training, and combo cardio takes advantage of the speed and incredible EPOC benefits of HIIT and then combines them with the fat - oxidizing abilities of steady state cardio.
Tabata training (and HIIT) both share one great advantage for guys looking to hold onto muscle mass: Unlike traditional steady - state cardio, high - intensity intervals help you build and maintain muscle mass because the fast - twitch fibers — the ones most prone to growth, — are best targeted by this type of training.
A training protocol that emphasizes all phases of muscular energetics to take advantage of the ATP - CP, glycolytic, and oxidative effects of creatine supplementation (HIIT is ideal for cardiovascular exercise when supplementing creatine, due to the repeated bouts of high intensity work)
Given Marc's huge topic about afterburn of resistance training and efficacy of HIIT cardio, I'd like to indicate that Bikram yoga (and possibly other kinds I haven't attempted) includes a good deal of strength training (mostly the largest muscles i.e. legs, core and lower back with upper body coming as you go heavier) and feels pretty much like a high intensity cardio work out for perhaps 60 - 70 of the 90 minutes — as well as the other advantages.
* Duration of a few weeks * An average dose more equivocal to a «loading» phase than a «maintenance phase» * A larger dose for potential responders who lack natural, dietary creatine * A smaller dose for potential non-responders with a significant amount of existing dietary creatine intake * A training protocol that emphasizes all phases of muscular energetics to take advantage of the ATP - CP, glycolytic, and oxidative effects of creatine supplementation (HIIT is ideal for cardiovascular exercise when supplementing creatine, due to the repeated bouts of high intensity work) * A training protocol that incorporates negatives in order to stimulate satellite cell fusion, as per Dr. Hatfield's theory of holistic training * A training protocol that emphasizes repeated bouts of work per the results of creatine studies * A nutrition protocol tailored to reduce post-workout cortisol levels, which would involve a post-workout shake and possible glutamine supplementation * A nutrition protocol that takes advantage of carb - load (super compensation) near the end of the cycle
Bodybuilders, athletes and those engaging in regular strength training or high intensity exercise can take advantage of these specific Keto plans.
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