Sentences with phrase «advent of agency pricing»

She adds, however, that some comments were «extreme» and sought to blame «every evil to befall publishing on Amazon's $ 9.99 price for newly released and bestselling e-books, and crediting every positive event — including entry of new competitors in the market for e-readers — on the advent of agency pricing
In other words, it could return e-book pricing to the «wholesale model» that had been in effect prior to Apple's entry into the market and the advent of Agency Pricing.

Not exact matches

The advent of the Agency Model has reduced that as has B&N's attempts to match Kindle Store on prices.
The Class for the Lawsuit includes any consumer who purchased at least one ebook priced above $ 9.99 since the advent of the Agency Model.
With the advent of agency, Amazon was forced to hand authors and publishers more control over pricing.
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