Sentences with phrase «adverse birth outcomes»

And in a separate study of nearly 8,000 pregnant women, researchers noted that moms with high anxiety and depression are at greater risk of adverse birth outcomes, such as low birth weight.
The effect of prenatal iron use on adverse birth outcomes is also unclear.
Although common opinion holds that exposure to pesticides increases adverse birth outcomes, the existing body of scientific evidence is ambiguous.
The study found that the higher the number of group visits attended, the lower the rates of adverse birth outcomes.
«However, the present analysis suggests the exact opposite, with both absolute rates as well as racial disparities in adverse birth outcomes being greatest in southern states.»
«Our findings have broad implications not only for malaria in pregnancy (125 million pregnancies at risk each year), but also for other globally important causes of adverse birth outcomes such as preeclampsia,» says Dr. Kain, who is also Science Director, Tropical Disease Unit at the Toronto General Hospital, UHN.
For our first electronic health record - based studies, we selected adverse birth outcomes and asthma exacerbations.
More baseline data is needed for risk vs. benefit for emerging infections in different geographic locations, particularly in the context of other infections (such as malaria) that are associated with adverse birth outcomes.
Adverse birth outcomes result in significant emotional and economic costs for families and communities.
Rates of preterm birth, low birth weight, and other adverse birth outcomes in the US are higher than in most other developed countries.
In December 2015, the Washington Governor's Interagency Council on Health Disparities formally recommended that low - income women should have access to birth doulas through Medicaid, with services provided by accredited community - based organizations such as Open Arms, in recognition of the powerful potential to reduce adverse birth outcomes.
Improvement of women's diet quality during gestation is likely to improve the risks of adverse birth outcomes.
No differences were found in rate of medical interventions, adverse birth outcomes, or vomiting.
The study, which randomly assigned 1873 HIV - negative pregnant women at three sites in Malawi to receive either strategy, found that the risks of adverse birth outcomes, at 29.9 and 28.8 percent, was similar in the two groups.
«The results suggest that the environment is a stronger contributor to adverse birth outcomes than genes, since there are differences in rates of birth outcomes across states» Thayer said.
«The results of this study were of particular interest because more than half of the pregnant women with migraine experienced some type of adverse birth outcome, suggesting that these pregnancies should be considered high risk,» said study author Matthew S. Robbins, M.D., director of inpatient services at Montefiore Headache Center, chief of neurology at Jack D. Weiler Hospital of Montefiore, and associate professor of clinical neurology at Albert Einstein College of Medicine.
* Bacterial communities found in placental tissues are associated with severe chorioamnionitis and adverse birth outcomes — Ronan M. Doyle — PLoS One
Caffeine intake during pregnancy and adverse birth outcomes: a systematic review and dose - response meta - analysis.
Greenwood D.C. et al. (2014) Caffeine intake during pregnancy and adverse birth outcomes: a systematic review and dose - response meta - analysis.
19Bakker R. et al. (2010) Maternal caffeine intake from coffee and tea, fetal growth, and the risks of adverse birth outcomes: the Generation R Study.
In a recent study of fetal scans, researchers found that when mothers are stressed out, their fetuses also show signs of distress.1 And in a separate study of nearly 8,000 pregnant women, researchers noted that moms with high anxiety and depression are at greater risk of adverse birth outcomes, such as low birth weight.2 These studies highlight the importance of identifying and alleviating prenatal maternal stress, a conclusion supported by CFRP data.
«Severity of homelessness and adverse birth outcomes».
llicit Drug Use and Adverse Birth Outcomes: Is It Drugs of Context?
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