Sentences with phrase «advertised items»

Though my blog is a fashion blog, I don't advertise items that I wouldn't use or wear myself.
She also says retailers shouldn't be afraid to test items with higher price points by purchasing a limited supply and advertising the items as a «limited time feature.»
You could also advertise the item on some of the free recycling websites, within your local free newspapers or local supermarket noticeboards.
For this reason, and to maintain a relatively low profile as far as live feeders are concerned, I prefer to only advertise these items inside the department.
The theme ties into the heavy presence of video game - based items in the box, including heavily advertised items from Capcom and Ubisoft.
Retailer: When a retailer advertises an item for sale, it is impliedly ensuring the product is safe and suitable for use.
Avoid giving information to unidentified telephone callers and announcing your personal plans online or in public notices (such as giving your address when advertising items for sale).
• Your resume should include your personal contact information (address, phone number, address, and email); whereas you should never advertise those items publicly on LinkedIn.
But I have shown up at Yard Sales within minutes of opening and asked about advertised items, only to encounter befuddled customer service reps who knew nothing about the items.
Small internet organization marketing pros discuss their top picks regarding the best methods for organizations with big plans but small budgets to advertise their items or services.
For example, strangers are responding to your ads and could meet at your home to try or buy the advertised items, all the while profiling you in effort to target you at a later time.
You seem to have misread my statement «I can not reasonably choose to buy no advertised items» as «nothing I buy has not been advertised».
I can choose which advertised items I buy, but I would argue that I can not reasonably choose to buy no advertised items.
More importantly, if you buy an advertised item, you may be indirectly supporting some broadcaster.
But new research suggests that women tend to find ads with sexual imagery off - putting, unless the advertised item is priced high enough.
Because large and effective web online sites have a lot of readers who would see the marketing and potentially would use links to buy the advertised items, professional online sites like to advertise on one of the no cost online dating women sites.
The alternative, as you say, is to basically accept the paperbacks as loss leaders and advertising items that float around, taking that 24 cents and just being glad that book is out there.
I have found these events to be nearly worthless, as the advertised items are often unavailable.
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