Sentences with phrase «aerosol processes»

As a package, it evaluates the performance of aerosol process modules across a wide range of field measurements.
Typically, scientists incorporate new aerosol process modules into models and then evaluate them using limited laboratory or field data.
The tool suite documents the performance of specific aerosol process modules.
Topics have included sensitivity analysis, calibration, and optimization for cloud and convection systems as well as aerosol processes.
«The Aerosol Modeling Testbed: A Community Tool to Objectively Evaluate Aerosol Process Modules,» Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 92, 343 - 360.
Current methods for improving aerosol processes in models are haphazard and slow.
The AMT, for example, is designed to evaluate the performance of aerosol process modules that calculate specific climate - relevant atmospheric processes.
High - resolution simulations are being performed that resolve the local and regional variations of particulate characteristics to obtain a better understanding of important aerosol processes that need to be incorporated into larger - scale climate models.
Differences in how a model represents space and time scales, emission rates, meteorology, gas - phase chemistry, and other aerosol processes all affect model predictions.
Each evaluation study often uses a different model and / or data set, making it impossible to directly compare the performance and computational efficiency of various approaches that simulate the same aerosol process.
Now, with the Aerosol Modeling Testbed, scientists can systematically and objectively evaluate new aerosol process modules over a wide range of spatial and temporal scales.
The Aerosol Modeling Testbed provides the global modeling community with a way to systematically and objectively evaluate aerosol process modules to quantify uncertainties and improve global climate models.
Mission The mission of PNNL's Aerosol Climate Initiative is to advance the current scientific understanding and parameterization of aerosol processes and properties to improve comprehensive climate modeling frameworks and to inform policy decisions related to global climate change and the environmental impacts of aerosols.
«Aerosol modeling today is very haphazard; there is not a lot of systematic testing and evaluation of new aerosol process modules.
«Until recently, aerosol processes were under - represented in global climate models because of disconnects between various research programs,» explained Ghan.
Why it matters: Aerosol processes — how they behave and interact with clouds in the atmosphere — are among the most important — yet most difficult to simulate, aspects of climate modeling.
In addition, model intercomparison studies do not quantify the range of uncertainty associated with a specific aerosol process, nor does this type of uncertainty analysis provide much information on which aerosol process needs improving the most.
Since beginning operations, ARM has made significant contributions to improving climate prediction models as they represent radiative heat transfer, aerosol processes, and cloud processes.
«The updraft speeds play an important role in the microphysics, general precipitation, and aerosol processing, which all impact climate simulations,» he said.
Another part of the meeting that worked well, says Ashley Williamson and Shaima Nasiri, DOE Program Managers for ASR, was having the four ASR working groups — Aerosol Processes, Warm Boundary Layer Processes, High Latitude Processes, and Convective Processes — meet at the end of the event.
What they say: «Climate models now include more cloud and aerosol processes, but there remains low confidence in the representation and quantification of these processes in models.»
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