Sentences with phrase «aesthetic power»

She is one of the first contemporary Australian artists to explore the political and aesthetic power of glass, describing her work as «politically motivated and emotionally driven».
This maze - like mirage is one entry in the 2010 Land Art Generator Initiative competition, which aims to combine clean energy generation and technology with the Land Art / Environmental Art movement, in the hopes of encouraging what they call «solution - based art practice» in creating «aesthetic power plants».
By the middle of the last Ice Age, at the latest, human groups had attained to the expression of aesthetic powers calling for intelligence and sensibility developed to a point which we have not surpassed.
With the emergence of early Byzantine art, we are confronted not with crudely charming illustrations which, by virtue of their special place in Christian memory, have a «magic» that moves us; here we have an art of such aesthetic power and genius that it grasps the beholder quite apart from any history - related sentiment we might feel.
Great religious art can and does stand on its own, quite apart from its origins in theology, and it has aesthetic power even for the unbeliever.
In that first half - hour or so of Private Ryan, which features some of Spielberg's most potent and shocking imagery (you can't shake the way that bloody water drips out of Miller's helmet, or that dazed soldier, wandering around looking for his own arm), we're seeing something extraordinary: a good - time filmmaker who knows how to thrill us, casting off his little tricks and going for an effect of pure aesthetic power.
Heritage buildings Not forgetting the architectural landscape of the built environment, new builds, although possessing their own aesthetic power, slowly shift away from the historical buildings that contribute to making Britain what it is today.
Her internationally produced and exhibited work typically involves interactions with a group or community that result in performances, films, videos, audio recordings and books, and involve sometimes provocative reflections of social, political, institutional and aesthetic power relations.
Nevertheless, Sherburne, his colleagues, and even the particular Whitehead of Process and Reality, in their devotion to rationalizing the meaning of the world, including the world of art objects, fail to appreciate the aesthetic power of the experienced world.
Is this not perhaps the greatest danger in Christian art — that the art itself has an aesthetic power which may make it a rival to the God it proclaims?
And a girl, on hand to be rescued, fought over and filmed from behind at a low angle as further testimony to the aesthetic power of 3 - D.
As for the exterior design, this Coupe attracts a lot of attention, with enough «aesthetic power» that found a young female stopping her 4 × 4 across the street from where our tester was parked, and immediately taking photos on her iPhone of the Elantra.
By using a hybrid form of art - making, Jaar has consistently provoked, questioned, and searched for ways to heighten our consciousness about issues often forgotten or suppressed in the international sphere, while not relinquishing art's formal and aesthetic power.
Curated by Okwui Enwezor with Rory Bester, the exhibition proposes a complex understanding of photography and the aesthetic power of the documentary form and honors the exceptional achievement of South African photographers.
As the public moves through and lingers within them, they gain a full sense of the amazing iconic and aesthetic power that makes these works so innovative even today.
«Well... It's about... er...» There is no aesthetic power and precious little to think about.
The focus is on presenting artists who articulate original thinking and art - historical awareness with technical and aesthetic power.
The aesthetic power of his images, combined with the refined technique, gives Alexis Diaz's artworks an absolutely unique style.
Their dreamlike compositions and emphasis on the aesthetic power of the subconscious led to explorations in sinuous line and fantastic imagery.
Despite the exhibition's aesthetic power and intellectual rigor, no major Anglophone newspaper or magazine has published a serious piece about it, and it is not scheduled to travel to any English - speaking countries.
In terms of his artistic contribution, Kelly exemplifies the aesthetic power of representational painting.
Reflecting on Apollo 8, it's notable to me that, with all the meticulous planning that goes into space missions, no one had anticipated the emotional and aesthetic power that came with seeing the marbled white, blue, and green home planet rise above the sterile gray lunar horizon.
10 Ways to Appreciate It Amazing Land Art by Andrew Rogers (Slideshow) «Aesthetic Power Plants» to Make Energy from Art Man and Nature: Art in the Age of Climate Change How Can Eco-Art Inspire Change?
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