Sentences with phrase «affair of one's own»

Indeed, in affairs of religion, passionate sincerity is present more often than not.
When representatives of a «civil rights organization» don't have a clue about the current state of affairs of millions of Black students, we have a colossal problem.
For as with seasons, with affairs of men, what goes around will come around again.
Governments often avoid comment on purely internal affairs of other countries, such as election campaigns.
So I've found a good spot for me, but let me tell you that I haven't avoided the hot love affair of publishing.
The senator also stressed that a government - managed plan would simplify the financial affairs of both individuals and small - and medium - sized companies.
In the everyday affairs of life it is more useful to reason forward, and so the other comes to be neglected.
In fact, you were instrumental in many of the major transactions and business affairs of many of the people in this room.
Since your staff are in charge of running the day to day affairs of your business, their professionalism should not be compromised for anything.
And give the state of affairs of people's diets... even some healthy eaters....
Meanwhile the intriguing affairs of human politics will surely produce more catastrophic outcomes from other causes, unrelated to climate.
«The rule of law is threatened with there is insufficient protection to prevent widespread intrusion into the private affairs of innocent citizens,» the manifesto says.
The whole bunch running d affairs of d club has lost touch with reality so no new players are coming only those that want out.
Economic analysis has been the traditional tool to value corporations in the accounting field, where financial statements reflecting the economic affairs of the corporation are available.
This means that shareholders do not have to be involved in the daily affairs of running the company.
I'm thinking more of practices devoted to regulating the business and personal affairs of clients in ways that will reduce the risk of actions or omissions that create those legal problems.
The role of a nursing home administrator is to supervise the clinical and administrative affairs of nursing homes.
It has, in the first place, jurisdiction over all disputes and conflicts among family members, as well as all related domestic affairs of legal significance.
If such a decline has occurred it has probably taken place in two areas — influence on the practical affairs of the community and standing in intellectual circles.
This can be in stark contrast to the usual belief that devices with the half eaten apple logo on it are anything but for serious affairs of business.
This would show that the Conservative government could be trusted to manage the fiscal affairs of the government better than any other political party.
Considering we're not even receiving the case and everything else is usually a standard affair of what you should be getting, overall the price is quite hefty.
From childcare to organizing meals and sorting out the general affairs of the family, they usually play an important role.
Well, this cartoon specifically addresses the current state of world affairs of the ongoing conflict between these three.
Some journalists are expert at covering the current affairs of the state, while some are more into entertainment world.
Administrative support professionals with the level of skill and professionalism needed to handle the busy affairs of top executives.
Starting a family as a heterosexual couple is usually a simple affair of having sex and waiting patiently until conception occurs.
Sure it may sound like the standard holiday affair of the underdog saving the day, but it's filled with clever twists and visual gags that are amusing throughout.
Our attorneys have the ability to handle business affairs of small to mid-sized businesses, including insurance brokerages, manufacturers, retailers and professional practices.
One may escape the burden of concern for the complex affairs of the nation and the world and find inner peace.
I had also never tried mango, another passionate produce love affair of mine.
I believe that creating something simple shouldn't require making a big affair of things.
Not all partner here for sex night or for the naughty affair some of them are for long term relationship.
Sure, you can find affairs of all types by using this site, but specifically you will find women who are looking to trade sexy photos and videos while their husbands are nearby!
He has become wealthy from managing the business affairs of creative people.
When I first stepped into the car, I saw the cabin as a lavish affair of wood and metal with central air conditioning system and high - resolution touchscreen infotainment.
Investors reacted to new challenges by sticking with their love affair of momentum and big cap growth stocks.
Dinner is often a traditional affair of palm - wrapped cuisine cooked in the earth.
The greatest love affairs of gaming past and present.
They are called affairs of the heart, and some research says that they are more destructive to a marriage than a one - night stand.
Adding a few fun little details to the otherwise very serious affair of making coffee makes the process that much more alluring.
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