Sentences with phrase «affect cilia»

Those deletions tended to involve genes that affect cilia, cellular structures that are important for signaling and patterning in embryonic development.
The team also found that the flightless cormorants have an abnormally high number of genetic mutations affecting cilia — small, hair - like structures that protrude from cells and regulate everything from normal development to reproduction.
It affects the cilia — tiny, microscopic moving structures that line the airways, ears and sinuses.
Because knockdown of Tuba in zebrafish affects cilia in a number of organs, including the brain, a variety of aberrant phenotypes were seen in the Tuba knockdown zebrafish model.
Improperly functioning cilia There are people who suffer from a medical condition that affects the cilia's ability to move mucus out of the sinus cavities.
Introduction: Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD), previously called immotile cilia syndrome (ICS), is a divers group of inherited structural and functional abnormalities affecting the cilia of the respiratory tract mucosa and other organs which results mainly in recurrent respiratory tract infections.

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In the early 2000s, cell biologists linked cyst formation to gene mutations that affect the primary cilia, hair - like projections from cells that seem to act as sensory antennae.
Dysfunctional cilia are now known to be implicated in not only PKD but a wide range of diseases affecting the eyes, ears, heart, and other organs.
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