Sentences with phrase «affect dietary consumption»

How would the changes affect dietary consumption for children in ECE settings that follow CACFP nutrition standards (CACFP and non-CACFP participants)?

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But what's really significant in the research is the identification of which genes are selectively affected by consumption of dietary fat or by capsaicin.
She said: «Our study not only helps shed light on how meat consumption may affect the sections of the colorectum differently, it emphasises the importance of reliable dietary reporting from large groups of people.
The research, recently published in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, analysed how the long - term consumption of different dietary fat sources such as olive, sunflower and fish oil affects the liver of rats.
Modern changes in dietary habits, particularly the consumption of processed foods lacking fiber, are believed to affect microbiota and contribute to the increase of chronic inflammatory disease, including metabolic syndrome.
Since the magnesium levels made use of to define consumption categories varied between the studies, a dose - response analysis was performed for how each 100 mg daily increase of dietary magnesium affected the results.
These include obsessive focus on food choice, planning, purchase, preparation, and consumption; food regarded primarily as source of health rather than pleasure; distress or disgust when in proximity to prohibited foods; exaggerated faith that inclusion or elimination of particular kinds of food can prevent or cure disease or affect daily well - being; periodic shifts in dietary beliefs while other processes persist unchanged; moral judgment of others based on dietary choices; body image distortion around sense of physical «impurity» rather than weight; persistent belief that dietary practices are health - promoting despite evidence of malnutrition.
Further adjustment for other dietary variables potentially related to inflammation (intakes of saturated fat, omega - 3 fatty acids, vitamin C or E, β - carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin, and coffee or fish consumption) and physical activity at baseline or postsecondary school qualification did not affect the results (data not shown).
Because the ability to absorb adequate calcium decreases with age, it's important also focus in on factors that affect calcium absorptions, like excess dietary fiber intake, vitamin D deficiencies, inadequate magnesium consumption, and certain medications that may hinder calcium absorption.
For me, understanding how the body functions and exactly how eating plant foods will affect particular enzymatic processes, as well as the deleterious effects of meat consumption, delivers a stronger message as to why I should make better dietary choices.
«Changes in food availability and intake also affect dietary and weight - related risk factors, such as low fruit and vegetable intake, high red meat consumption, and high bodyweight.
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