Sentences with phrase «affect family wellbeing»

Their role is to conduct research and communicate findings that affect family wellbeing to policy - makers, service providers and the broader community.
Australian Institute of Family Studies, an Australian Government statutory agency, its role is to conduct research and communicate findings that affect family wellbeing to: policy makers; service providers; and the broader community.
Australian Institute of Family Studies The role of the Institute is to conduct research and communicate findings to policy makers, service providers and the broader community about factors that affect family wellbeing.
Established in 1980 as an independent, statutory authority, the role of AIFS is to conduct research and communicate findings that affect family wellbeing to policy makers, service providers and the broader community.

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AAAS CEO Rush Holt, executive publisher of the Science family of journals said: «Sometimes politicians think science issues are limited to simply things like the budget for NASA or NIH, and they fail to realize that a president's attitude toward and decisions about science and research affect the public wellbeing, from the growth of our economy, to education, to public health.
Research led by Monash University's Kate Young published in the Journal of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Carefound that endometriosis affects women's sex lives, personal relationships, work life, and emotional wellbeing.
This long - term burden of illness and diminished wellbeing affects patients, their families, health systems, and economies, and is forecast to accelerate.
When Harold becomes gravely ill, the family reunites around his bedside with their anger, frustrations and resentment towards the father who affected their emotional wellbeing.
The U.S. government, together with employers, should be providing this crucial support to new parents, as it has a profound effect on the psychological and emotional wellbeing of families, whose health in turn affects the entire country and, if unstable, can have a ripple effect throughout generations.
This was not understood a generation ago; these actions are often destructive to the victim's emotional and psychological wellbeing, their work performance and general organisation functioning, as well as affecting those around the victim, including their family who live with them and work colleagues.
In other words, family law disputes concern the indiscernible future, not the known past, and have repercussions affecting the day to day wellbeing of children.
Because these injuries occur to the spinal cord and the brain, there is a high chance that you won't be able to work as you once did or participate in other activities, which also affects your family's wellbeing.
A new wave of studies from FFCWS data has enriched understanding of how unwed parenthood affects child wellbeing Studies using the FFCWS data have shed new light on how family structure affects child well - being in early childhood.
The report notes that incarceration not only affects the health and wellbeing of those imprisoned, but also the health and wellbeing of their families and children.
According to a submission from the Royal Children's Hospital to the Human Rights Commission National Enquiry 2014 «detention denies children, adolescents and families the basic environmental requirements for their health, development and their wellbeing... There is evidence that all forms of detention adversely affect parenting, family functioning and the mental health of children, adolescents, parents and families.
The classic study by Sara McLanahan and Gary Sandefur, published in 1994, bridged the gap by bringing together an array of evidence on how growing up in various types of nontraditional families — including both divorced families and unwed - mother familiesaffected child wellbeing.
The CAS Study is investigating factors that may increase and prolong father involvement and support as well as topics such as the understanding of paternity establishment among Hispanic mothers, the effect of multiple births on mothers» knowledge of paternity and child support, domestic violence and child support compliance, and many more topics affecting the wellbeing of Texas families.
Our counsellors have experience across a wide range of wellbeing issues that affect individuals, relationships and families, including relationship issues, separation and divorce, mental health, managing stress, emotions and life changes, parenting concerns, grief and loss, and work - related issues.
All of these activities affect the wellbeing of children and their families in Manningham and we are very grateful for their expertise.
On the other, our relationships at home are both affected by and in turn impact upon our work, and achieving an effective balance between work and family life is essential to our wellbeing, as well, in fact, as being important to our performance at work and therefore ultimately to productivity.
This will ensure that many of the children and families in Orkney who are affected by relationship difficulties, separation and divorce will get the level of help and support they need to improve family relationships and children's future wellbeing
If your family, relative, friend or neighbour is affected by these devastating fires, the following resources collated by KidsMatter may be of use to help support the mental health and wellbeing of children at this time.
RAV Chief Executive Officer, Dr Andrew Bickerdike, said RAV had a strong history of providing mental health services and supporting young people and families with issues affecting their wellbeing and relationships.
They hold appropriate tertiary qualifications and have experience across a wide range of wellbeing issues that affect individuals, relationships and families.
The quality of relationships we have with friends, colleagues, family and our partner affects both our mental and physical wellbeing.
For instance, a partner's belief about family resilience affects the subjective wellbeing of the other partner within the dyad (Neo, Chang, & Fung, 2016).
The mental health impacts of over-incarceration are devastating, affecting the social and emotional wellbeing of children, families and communities well into the future.
Some of the funds raised will go to community members, to help tell their stories about how over-incarceration is affecting the health and wellbeing of individuals, families and communities.
Other issues affecting YP wellbeing were social media cyber-bullying, pressure from other and family breakdowns.
Build community capacity to create action plans that address challenges affecting the social and emotional wellbeing of children and families
As with much information related to child wellbeing, National and disaggregated data about children affected by family and domestic violence is not readily available.
When our intimate relationship isn't all that we want or need it to be, it can adversely affect all areas of our life, from work, to family, to finances, to spirituality, to health, to our emotional wellbeing.
Considering the view of indigenous health as ``... not just the physical wellbeing of an individual but also the social, emotional and cultural well - being of the whole community...» [6], the negative impacts of chronic disease are likely to extend from affected individuals to their families and communities.
Social and emotional wellbeing is the way Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders describe the «importance of connection to land, culture, spirituality, ancestry, family and community, and how these affect the individual».
When a family member struggles with addiction, it has a serious impact on the family as a whole, affecting emotional, financial, and physical wellbeing.
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