Sentences with phrase «affect overall energy»

«I think piercings do affect the overall energy of the body and can influence «qi.»
All the reasons above are good, but also the fact it was a noon game may have affected his overall energy level or his fragile -LRB-?)
As I have been noting, ad nauseum, anthropogenically caused / managed energy flux, and anthropogenic modifications of surfaces, flora and other environmental characteristics, are a specific term (or set of them) affecting the overall energy balance and apparent surface and low tropospheric temperature record.

Not exact matches

For example, oil and gas (energy sector) stocks are not only affected by how stocks are performing overall, but also by the price of oil and gas.
Policy makers and managers could use the index to guide decision making — for example, about whether offshore wind energy should be expanded in the U.S., whether land or ocean conservation measures will benefit coral reefs in Fiji and how marine - zoning plans in Brazil might affect overall ocean health.
Besides that, the size of mitochondria (the mini-factories within your muscle cells that convert oxygen into energy) decreases alongside with a steady loss of your VO2 max or the maximum volume of oxygen your working muscles are able to use, which directly affects your level of performance and overall cardiovascular fitness.
«Color affects your mood, energy level, and overall sense of well - being,» explains Karla Smith, head technician at Greenhouse Spa in Arlington, Texas.
The TCM doctor aims to understand how a patient's vital energy reacts with climatic pathogens through observing skin symptoms and overall health to paint a picture of the particular disharmony affecting that person.
Future studies may want to examine the relationship between psychosocial / qualitative factors with sexual activity and energy expenditure which could explain how these variables could affect overall health and quality of life.
The diversity of these microorganisms creates a foundation that directly affects GI health, allergies, autoimmune disease, body weight, energy, and overall well - being.
It's so called fat burn zone — there is a problem though — because of low intensity not much of calories are burned overall so high percent of fat still means minimal amounts of fat burned... Cardio can only accompany the lactic acid weight training using the affected body «willingness» to burn extra fat for energy consumption.
Poor sleep affects your health, energy levels, mood, focus, motivation, logical reasoning, your memory and overall cognitive skills.
As you may know from reading my previous posts featuring Renew Life, the gut is considered the core of your body's overall health and well - being and can affect your entire body including immune health, energy, happiness, stress and more.
Under chronic stress, cortisol levels stay elevated, affecting your overall hormone balance and energy levels.
When a cat is carrying one too many pounds, it can affect his reflexes, energy and overall health.
Quality of Life and Longevity.Just as the quality of your diet affects the quality of your life, what you feed your dog will have a direct impact on how he or she looks, feels, and acts.By feeding organic food you can help ensure your dog lives a long, happy and healthy life.It is one ingredient in an overall healthy lifestyle you can help your dog enjoy.A luxurious, shiny coat, energy to run and play, a healthy weight and a strong immune system can maximize your dog's life expectancy and quality of life into old age.
The only things that can change that resultant point of temperature equilibrium are changes in solar radiance coming in or changes in overall atmospheric density which affect the radiant energy going out.
The only things that can change that resultant point of temperature equilibrium significantly are changes in solar radiance coming in and changes in overall atmospheric density (a function of mass and pressure) which affect the radiant energy going out or a change in the speed of the water cycle which, because of the unique characteristics of the phase changes of water altering the speed of energy flow through the system is capable of exerting a powerful regulatory effect.
By picking one specific area of only one of the spheres (surface temperatures), while it might be one piece of interesting information and it certainly it is quite true that surface temperatures have been flat at or near record high levels, focusing on this fact alone and the fact that climate models failed to have forecast it, does very little overall good if the goal is to educate the public about the bigger picture, i.e. anthropogenic climate change as an energy imbalance affecting the whole Earth energy system, including all the spheres discussed above.
This is especially the case in attempts to understand the food, water and energy security implications for the people living in the basins who depend directly on meltwater, either seasonally or as an overall component of their water budget, and how they are affected by climate change in their mountainous environment (13).
The changes in the rate of outgoing energy flow caused by changes in solar surface turbulence may be small but they appear to be enough to affect the air circulation systems and thereby influence the overall global energy budget disproportionately to the tiny variations in solar power intensity.
Annual year - to - year variance in hydropower generation affects the overall contribution of renewable energy to the U.S. generation mix.
Overall, there is hardly any energy business not affected by the development of a cleaner and more efficient use of energy.
«We all experience challenges at different points in our lives that can significantly affect our quality of sleep, energy, and overall well - being.
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