Sentences with phrase «affect previous child»

Generally speaking, when a parent remarries, the new marriage does not affect previous child support orders.

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In a previous post, «How Baby Holding Devices Affect Your Child's Development,» we explored how infant positioners that support your baby in a semi-reclined position - bouncy seats, baby swings, napping wedges, infant car seat carriers - inhibit early movement and increase pressure across the backs of babies» heads.
Most previous research into the heredity of autism has ignored a possible decision on the part of parents with affected children to reduce their subsequent child - bearing, a situation that occurs with some birth defects and has been termed «reproductive stoppage.»
«We did not find any difference between children who received general anesthesia and spinal anesthesia, suggesting that the previous human studies may have been affected by confounding factors.»
Previous work from a team at Imperial College London suggests depression during pregnancy may affect the development of the baby while in the womb, as well as affecting bonding between mother and child after birth.
Asthma affects an estimated 24 million people in the U.S. and asthmatic children infected with rhinovirus C have been shown in previous studies to have more severe asthma symptoms.
Previous posts: CA Districts in DC for Final «No Child» Pitch; Analysis: Politics Could Affect LAUSD Waiver Approval; Teachers Unions Oppose NCLB Waiver That the «CA 9 ′ Want
The Arizona Court of Appeals added that to change a previous custody order, the family court must determine that there has been a material change in circumstances affecting the welfare of the child and they will not disturb the family court's decision without a clear abuse of discretion.
MCL 722.27 (1) authorizes the continuing jurisdiction of a circuit court to modify or amend its previous judgments or orders and is an exception to MCR 7.208 (A) «otherwise provided by law» because it would be contrary to the plain language of the CCA to require a court to wait for the conclusion of an appeal to address a change in circumstances that would affect the interests of the child.
The degree to which a criminal court case can negatively affect a parent's access to his or her child often depends on whether the drug case is currently open, or ongoing, and whether sufficient time has elapsed since any previous drug charges.
An alternative explanation for the association between poverty, family instability and children's cognitive functioning is that all of these factors might be associated with each other due to their association with previous characteristics of the parent (such as mother's age and education).25, 30 According to the selection hypothesis24 parents» own characteristics may affect their ability to maintain a stable income or a stable and committed partnership, and impact on the characteristics of their children, either through the environment in the home, through genetic transmission, or more likely the combination of both.
The mounting evidence regarding the findings from this study and our previous work6, 22,29,30 provides strong support for the self - regulation theory10 in explaining how the child behavior component of the COPE program positively affects maternal coping.
(d) the primary order was a compensatory parenting order made under paragraph 70NEB (1)(b) or 70NFB (2)(c) after the person had contravened a previous order under this Act affecting children.
(1) If a supplemental petition or a motion for modification of time - sharing and parental responsibility is filed because a parent is activated, deployed, or temporarily assigned to military service and the parent's ability to comply with time - sharing is materially affected as a result, the court may not issue an order or modify or amend a previous judgment or order that changes time - sharing as it existed on the date the parent was activated, deployed, or temporarily assigned to military service, except that a court may enter a temporary order to modify or amend time - sharing if there is clear and convincing evidence that the temporary modification or amendment is in the best interests of the child.
A major step forward in efforts to help families and children whose lives are affected by challenging behavior... Crammed with helpful guidance, much of which will not be found in previous manuals.
It can provide help for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people affected by the removal of children because of previous government policies and laws.
Previous studies have found that children's negative academic self - concept increases the risk of behavioral problems affecting their quality of life beyond school - age (Harter, 1993; Marsh and O'Mara, 2008).
Shifting to children's gender, in line with previous studies, this study confirmed that parents» perception of family functioning did not result to be affected by their children's gender, at least as it is measured by FAM - III (Tiffin et al., 2007).
Although previous studies have shown that mothers» psychological difficulties influence fathers» parenting practices in terms of affect expression during parent — child interactions and their sensitive responses to child signals (e.g., Goodman 2008; Ponnet et al. 2013), these studies did not include parent — child discussions of emotions.
Our results support findings from previous studies indicating that PPD in mothers adversely affects their children's development in several domains, and adds to the existing literature in that these adverse child outcomes remain when controlling for the risk factors associated with PPD.
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