Sentences with phrase «affect younger cats»

This affects primarily older cats, but in some cases can affect younger cats as a result of disease or obesity.
Although hyperthyroidism, or overactive thyroid glands, is common in middle aged and elderly cats, it rarely affects younger cats.
Gingivostomatitis (GS) is less common than FORLs and often affects younger cats.
Ringworm most typically affects young cats, long haired cats, or cats that have had some type of a previous skin disease.
When the disease affects young cats and kittens they often loose their appetite and become depressed.
This affliction, which primarily affects young cats (less than two years of age) and those that are 10 years of age and older, is caused by infection with the feline infectious peritonitis virus (FIPV), a mutated form of the feline coronavirus (FCoV), so named due to the microscopic appearance of its outer surface, which resembles the sun's corona.
«The Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV) usually affects young cats or kittens.

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We extend joints and feel for arthritis and other joint issues, often affecting cats as young as 5 years old!
When Jamie was first rescued by North Shore Animal League America as a young cat, she was quickly diagnosed with cerebella hyperplasia, a serious neurological problem that affects balance and mobility.
Veterinary care is essential if you cat is very young or old, has a disease that affects the immune system or has a chronic health condition or disease, such as kidney failure or diabetes.
The study involves injecting feline patients with stem cells cultivated from the fat of young, healthy cats, and has shown promise for treating a health problem that affects approximately 50 percent of cats older than 10, CSU said.
In fact, epilepsy is a common reason for seizures in young - to - middle - aged dogs, though it rarely affects cats.
IBD is usually diagnosed in middle - aged to older cats, but younger animals can be affected as well.
All cats of all ages can be affected even though at the Veterinary Emergency Hospital of West Toronto we see it more in the playful kitten and curious young adults.
Cats won't pee in a cup on command, so she uses a process called sterile cystocentesis to obtain a urine sample and identify issues such as bladder infections, which often affect young - to middle - aged neutered male cCats won't pee in a cup on command, so she uses a process called sterile cystocentesis to obtain a urine sample and identify issues such as bladder infections, which often affect young - to middle - aged neutered male catscats.
FIV positive cats), or those with chronic infections Fertility can be affected permanently in young pets If your pet has had an allergic reaction to chlorambucil or like products Directions:
Cats as young as six months may be affected and purebred cats such as Siamese are predisposed to these cancCats as young as six months may be affected and purebred cats such as Siamese are predisposed to these canccats such as Siamese are predisposed to these cancers.
Panleukopenia is a viral infection that most commonly affects kittens and young cats.
It typically affects very young kittens (or very old cats) because their immune systems are relatively weak, but any cat can become infected.
HCM typically affects cats in the young adult years, between 1 — 5 years of age, although cases can emerge as early as 3 months or as late as 10 years.
Hyperthyroidism affects cats of both sexes equally, with cases appearing in those as young as four and as old as 22, with an average age of 13 years.
Dehydration affects older cats more quickly than it does younger cats and in any case can happen more quickly in warmer conditions.
It affects many younger dogs and cats too.
Dental disease can affect cats of any age and varies in severity - some cats develop severe disease at a relatively young age.
The virus affects mostly young cats, although cats of any age may be infected.
The disease can affect cats of any age but is especially common in the young and the old.
Young Again foods produce a urine pH range of 6.0 - 6.5 with a typical pH of 6.3 and this range can be affected by water, other foods fed to the cat and the cat's own unique physical nature.
The disease is most severe in young kittens, but can affect cats of all ages.
Cats of any age can be affected, but the disease occurs most often in young cats from six months to five years of Cats of any age can be affected, but the disease occurs most often in young cats from six months to five years of cats from six months to five years of age.
While ringworm in cats is among the most common skin conditions in cats, it tends to affect the health of young kittens, senior cats, and those cats with compromised immune systems.
It is also important to note that the term UTI is frequently erroneously used to refer to feline idiopathic cystitis, which is a common inflammatory condition of the feline bladder affecting young adult cats.
Affected cats usually start showing symptoms as young or middle - aged adults, and the condition can eventually cause heart failure.
Most affected cats are adults, and typically 6 - 9 years of age, but signs can start in young cats or elderly cats as well.
Tapeworms, roundworms and other internal parasites affect older cats as well as young cats, particularly cats which go outdoors.
Cheyletiellosis is more common in young cats, but any age can be affected.
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