Sentences with phrase «affected academic classes»

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This generational disconnect is inevitable, in politics as in other spheres, but it affects the Labour Party worse than other parties because Labour was founded to represent a single class, and now it's arrived at a situation where the likes of Stephen Kinnock and Owen Smith, the children of peers and academics, have to dig up grandparents in the hope of connecting with that class they don't really understand.
The number of applications and the academic competitiveness of a school's incoming class were increased by making the lists for Happy Students (2.9 percent increase) or Most Beautiful Campus (2.3 percent increase), whereas applications and competitiveness were negatively affected by being on the Least Happy Students (about a 5 percent decrease) or Unsightly, Tiny Campus lists (5.2 percent decrease).
«There is strong evidence that changes in colleges» quality - of - life and academic reputations affect both the number of applications that colleges receive and the characteristics of their next incoming classes of students,» said Reback.
A study of how policies restricting pharmaceutical promotion to physicians affect medication prescribing found that physicians in academic medical centers (AMCs) prescribed fewer of the promoted drugs, and more non-promoted drugs in the same drug classes, following policy changes to restrict marketing activities at those medical centers.
In thinking about this question, I explored how the physical layout of my classroom, our academic schedule, and my behavior in class affected my students» ability to succeed.
Several factors affect poor children's academic performances, and more money doesn't always close the gap between their test scores and the scores of their white, middle class counterparts, Neill told Education World.
We study how class size and class composition affect the academic and labor market performance of college students, two crucial policy questions given the secular increase in college enrollment.
Where they land affects their access to advanced classes and their odds of academic success.
Mental health issues such as attention difficulties, delinquency, and substance misuse are associated with lower academic achievement and attainment.91 Likewise, trauma is associated with lower standardized test scores and an increased risk of being diagnosed with a learning disability or behavioral disorder.92 While mental health and traumatic events can be devastating to individual academic achievement, research indicates that traumatic events also affect the entire class.
On the other hand, schools that intentionally maintain heterogeneous classes must consider the research suggesting that these classes can negatively affect the academic progress of higher achievers (Brewer, Rees, & Argys, 1995).
A veterinary behaviorist has also demonstrated their academic skills in graduate school classes such as ethology, evolution of social behavior, developmental biology, neurobiology of behavior, learning theory, animal cognition, psychopharmacology (study of medications that affect the brain and emotions), and statistical analysis.
While this essay is written for academics, and not for the audiences of a judicial opinion writing class, it is included because it explains the creation of a second - year lawyering seminar in judicial writing with the goal of exposing law students to the possibilities the role of judicial opinion writing has to affect social - justice.
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