Sentences with phrase «affected body organ»

The treatment of hyperkalemia involves both the administration of drugs to remove excess potassium from the body and the stabilization of affected body organs.

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As in a human body, when an organ becomes diseased or infected, the whole body is affected, so it is in Christ's body.
This condition causes the affected vessel to narrow as its walls become thick and hardened, which reduces circulation to organs and other parts of the body.
Especially the change of hormones will affect almost all the organs of your body.
Hormonal changes affect almost every organ system in your body.
These disorders develop when there is too little or too much calcium in the blood or urine, which can affect the body's organs, including the kidneys.
Over time, type 1 diabetes complications can affect major organs in your body, including heart, blood vessels, nerves, eyes and kidneys.
While a Diastasis recti mainly affects the abdomen and may be harmless in most cases, sometimes it can also have implications on functioning of other organs and body parts.
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic autoimmune disease that occurs when the immune system attacks the body instead of defending it, causing inflammation that often results in serious damage to bones, joints and tendons, and can also affect internal organs like the heart, eyes and lungs.
«Inflammation affects every organ in the body.
And the gory mental images of organs being harvested from a body give a definite negative affect to the exchange.
Rheumatoid arthritis affects around 400,000 people in the UK and is caused by the body's immune system turning on itself, leading to inflammation pain and swelling in the joints and other internal organs.
Alternatively, we may see surgeons first applying the nanoneedle bandages inside the affected region to promote the healthy integration of these new organs and implants in the body.
Though joints are the principal body parts affected by RA, inflammation can develop in other organs as well.
If that happens, your body is under a state of inflammation, and this inflammatory marker, interleukin - 6, will indicate that your organs are starting to be affected
The investigators suggest that the premature loss of estrogen caused by the oophorectomy may affect a series of aging mechanisms at the cellular and tissue level across the whole body leading to diseases in multiple systems and organs.
The gradual shrinking of telomeres negatively affects the replicative capacity of human adult stem cells, the cells that restore damaged tissues and / or replenish aging organs in our bodies.
One of the thyroid's primary jobs is to regulate metabolism, which affects almost every organ and function in the body.
The system also will allow scientists to test millions of compounds in the environment and new pharmaceuticals to understand how they affect the reproductive system and many other organs in the body.
«Plus, harm to this vital organ affects every activity in the animal's body that requires oxygen,» Dr Rummer says.
Once in the blood, the toxins travel throughout the body to affect the different organ systems.
Some infections may also penetrate the body to affect organs and cause whole - body infections.
«In this study, we have a narrow focus on diabetes only,» wrote Tolstrup, «but since alcohol is related to more than 50 different diseases and conditions — reflecting that alcohol affects virtually every organ system of the body — any recommendations about how to drink and how much to drink should not be inferred from this study or any study investigating associations between alcohol and a single outcome.»
Tiny «Organ Chips» Promise Big Boost to Testing of Food, Drugs: Scientists at the FDA hope to use «organs on chips» to study how certain chemicals from foods, cosmetics and supplements affect organs in the body.
However, even though these patients don't have a blood problem, vis a vis these diseases typically affect brain, heart, and or other organs, they have to undergo myeloablative chemotherapy so their body doesn't reject the donor cells.
June 20, 2016 Microbiota affect the rate of transplant acceptance and rejection Researchers from the University of Chicago have shown that microbiota — the bacteria, viruses and other microbes living on the skin and in the digestive system — play an important role in the body's ability to accept transplanted skin and other organs.
Caused by a bacterial infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTb), TB most commonly affects the lungs but can affect any organ in the body.
This support is fully integrated into the patient's treatment plan because we know that cancer affects not only the organs of the body, but the whole person and the whole family.
There are seven core physiological processes that affect all of the body's organ systems, and imbalances can occur in any and all of them.
When you move your body through the postures, which include a lot of twisting, you accentuate the detoxifying affects gained from sweating by literally wringing out your organs.
The skin is the largest organ in the body, so it will always be affected by your surroundings and how you treat it.
Although there are many different types of autoimmune diseases and they can affect many different organs, at their core they are all similar in that they are an immune response caused by systemic inflammation that leads your body to attack itself.
We understand that because anxiety can affect nearly every body system, it can also manifest as a result of imbalances in a number of organ systems.
Heavy metal detoxification is the removal of toxic metals from the body and restoration of proper functioning of the autonomic nervous system and the organs affected by it.
Harmful organisms steal nutrition, affect your vital organs, pollute your body with waste, and weaken your immune system.
Massaging each finger of the hand, you can achieve general harmonization of your body, and will also unblock the energy which got stuck along the pathways, i.e. the affected organs.
Shrinkage and decreased functions affect the liver, kidneys, and other organs unless the body can maintain a proper ratio of growth hormone which protects them through restorative cellular regeneration.
The inflammatory autoimmune disease that affects multiple organs and connective tissue in the body including the heart, brain, lungs, joints, blood vessels, skin and kidneys among others is called Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE).
Any misalignment of the spine can affect how the body's organs are working.
Proper water intake determines the balance and health conditions of organs, systems and functions in the body because it is directly affecting the mighty lymph fluid.
Delayed reactions manifest in many different ways as they can affect any organ system in the body and can take from 45 minutes to several days for symptoms to become apparent.
The resulting nerve interference disrupts the flow of information between your brain and the regions of your body supplied by the irritated spinal nerves, potentially resulting in loss of function or abnormal function of affected cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems.
Hair mineral analysis was also performed to seek a clearer picture of mineral imbalances - general blood tests only show what is in the blood, not how the body is utlising these minerals and how certain organ functions could be affected by lack of appropriate minerals.
While tongue scraping enhances your digestive and oral health, abhyanga, on the other hand, works with the skin — the largest organ in the body — and, as a result, affects the body as a whole.
This leads to systemic inflammation affecting the body's organs and soft tissue, including the joints and even the brain.
It is often referred to as «The Great Imitator», because Lyme disease can affect any organ of the body mimicking other diseases.
Physical pain is experienced in the body and can affect blood, organs, and bones.
The body is actually one large matrix of interconnected biochemical processes that affect all of the organ systems.
Every cell in our body have receptors for steroids that means every organ system in our body could be affected by this drug.
Excessive consumption of alcohol could damage your liver which are two of the most important organs that affect hair loss because they clean the blood of the toxins and hormones that can travel around the body triggering hair follicle miniaturization.
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